Source code for exoplasim.pyburn

Read raw exoplasim output files and postprocess them into netCDF output files.
import numpy as np
import struct
import exoplasim.gcmt
import exoplasim.gcmt as gcmt
import exoplasim.filesupport
from exoplasim.filesupport import SUPPORTED
import scipy, scipy.integrate, scipy.interpolate
import os, sys

This module is intended to be a near-replacement for the C++ burn7 utility, which in its present
form relies on deprecated and unsupported versions of the netcdf C and C++ libraries. This utility
relies instead on the netCDF4-python package, whose usage pattern is unlikely to become deprecated
at any point in the near future. Some features of burn7 are not included; notably at present only
netCDF output is supported, rather than the additional SRV and GRaDs formats supported by burn7.
Additionally, at least at first, there are the following restrictions:

    **Vertical levels will only be output in native sigma levels,** and will not be interpolated onto
    a pressure grid. This is unlikely to be supported in the future either, as the conversion of sigma
    to pressure is trivial, and interpolating onto a different pressure grid at the postprocessing step
    risks misleading end users and is liable to run into problems with non-Earthlike surface pressures.
    **Horizontal grid will only be Gaussian-spaced latitude-longitude,** rather than being optionally
    spherical harmonics, fourier coefficients, or zonal averages. The additional horizontal options present
    in burn7 will be supported in pyburn in future versions.
    **The Mars shortcut for derived variables is unsupported.** This will be supported in future versions.

def _log(destination,string):
    if destination is None:
        if string=="\n":
        with open(destination,"a") as f:

#dictionary that can be searched by string (integer) codes
ilibrary = { "50":["nu"   ,"true_anomaly"                    ,"deg"        ],
             "51":["lambda","ecliptic_longitude"             ,"deg"        ],
             "52":["zdec" ,"solar_declination"               ,"deg"        ],
             "53":["rdist","orbital_distance"                ,"1"          ],
             "54":["rasc" ,"solar right ascension"           ,"deg"        ],
            "110":["mld"  ,"mixed_layer_depth"               ,"m"          ], 
            "129":["sg"   ,"surface_geopotential"            ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "130":["ta"   ,"air_temperature"                 ,"K"          ],
            "131":["ua"   ,"eastward_wind"                   ,"m s-1"      ],
            "132":["va"   ,"northward_wind"                  ,"m s-1"      ],
            "133":["hus"  ,"specific_humidity"               ,"1"          ],
            "134":["ps"   ,"surface_air_pressure"            ,"hPa"        ],
            "135":["wap"  ,"vertical_air_velocity"           ,"Pa s-1"     ],
            "137":["wa"   ,"upward_wind"                     ,"m s-1"      ],
            "138":["zeta" ,"atm_relative_vorticity"          ,"s-1"        ],
            "139":["ts"   ,"surface_temperature"             ,"K"          ],
            "140":["mrso" ,"lwe_of_soil_moisture_content"    ,"m"          ],
            "141":["snd"  ,"surface_snow_thickness"          ,"m"          ],
            "142":["prl"  ,"lwe_of_large_scale_precipitation","m s-1"      ],
            "143":["prc"  ,"convective_precipitation_rate"   ,"m s-1"      ],
            "144":["prsn" ,"lwe_of_snowfall_amount"          ,"m s-1"      ],
            "145":["bld"  ,"dissipation_in_atmosphere_bl"    ,"W m-2"      ],
            "146":["hfss" ,"surface_sensible_heat_flux"      ,"W m-2"      ],
            "147":["hfls" ,"surface_latent_heat_flux"        ,"W m-2"      ],
            "148":["stf"  ,"streamfunction"                  ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "149":["psi"  ,"velocity_potential"              ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "151":["psl"  ,"air_pressure_at_sea_level"       ,"hPa"        ],
            "152":["pl"   ,"log_surface_pressure"            ,"1"          ],
            "155":["d"    ,"divergence_of_wind"              ,"s-1"        ],
            "156":["zg"   ,"geopotential_height"             ,"m"          ],
            "157":["hur"  ,"relative_humidity"               ,"1"          ],
            "158":["tps"  ,"tendency_of_surface_air_pressure","Pa s-1"     ],
            "159":["u3"   ,"ustar"                           ,"m3 s-3"     ],
            "160":["mrro" ,"surface_runoff"                  ,"m s-1"      ],
            "161":["clw"  ,"liquid_water_content"            ,"1"          ],
            "162":["cl"   ,"cloud_area_fraction_in_layer"    ,"1"          ],
            "163":["tcc"  ,"total_cloud_cover"               ,"1"          ],
            "164":["clt"  ,"cloud_area_fraction"             ,"1"          ],
            "165":["uas"  ,"eastward_wind_10m"               ,"m s-1"      ],
            "166":["vas"  ,"northward_wind_10m"              ,"m s-1"      ],
            "167":["tas"  ,"air_temperature_2m"              ,"K"          ],
            "168":["td2m" ,"dew_point_temperature_2m"        ,"K"          ],
            "169":["tsa"  ,"surface_temperature_accumulated" ,"K"          ],
            "170":["tsod" ,"deep_soil_temperature"           ,"K"          ],
            "171":["dsw"  ,"deep_soil_wetness"               ,"1"          ],
            "172":["lsm"  ,"land_binary_mask"                ,"1"          ],
            "173":["z0"   ,"surface_roughness_length"        ,"m"          ],
            "174":["alb1" ,"surface_albedo_SW1"              ,"1"          ],
            "175":["alb"  ,"surface_albedo"                  ,"1"          ],
            "176":["rss"  ,"surface_net_shortwave_flux"      ,"W m-2"      ],
            "177":["rls"  ,"surface_net_longwave_flux"       ,"W m-2"      ],
            "178":["rst"  ,"toa_net_shortwave_flux"          ,"W m-2"      ],
            "179":["rlut" ,"toa_net_longwave_flux"           ,"W m-2"      ],
            "180":["tauu" ,"surface_eastward_stress"         ,"Pa"         ],
            "181":["tauv" ,"surface_northward_stress"        ,"Pa"         ],
            "182":["evap" ,"lwe_of_water_evaporation"        ,"m s-1"      ],
            "183":["tso"  ,"climate_deep_soil_temperature"   ,"K"          ],
            "184":["alb2" ,"surface_albedo_SW2"              ,"1"          ],
            "203":["rsut" ,"toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux"     ,"W m-2"      ],
            "204":["ssru" ,"surface_solar_radiation_upward"  ,"W m-2"      ],
            "205":["stru" ,"surface_thermal_radiation_upward","W m-2"      ],
            "207":["tso2" ,"soil_temperature_level_2"        ,"K"          ],
            "208":["tso3" ,"soil_temperature_level_3"        ,"K"          ],
            "209":["tso4" ,"soil_temperature_level_4"        ,"K"          ],
            "210":["sic"  ,"sea_ice_cover"                   ,"1"          ],
            "211":["sit"  ,"sea_ice_thickness"               ,"m"          ],
            "218":["snm"  ,"snow_melt"                       ,"m s-1"      ],
            "221":["sndc" ,"snow_depth_change"               ,"m s-1"      ],
            "230":["prw"  ,"atmosphere_water_vapor_content"  ,"kg m-2"     ],
            "232":["glac" ,"glacier_cover"                   ,"1"          ],
            "238":["tsn"  ,"snow_temperature"                ,"K"          ],
            "259":["spd"  ,"wind_speed"                      ,"m s-1"      ],
            "260":["pr"   ,"total_precipitation"             ,"m s-1"      ],
            "261":["ntr"  ,"net_top_radiation"               ,"W m-2"      ],
            "262":["nbr"  ,"net_bottom_radiation"            ,"W m-2"      ],
            "263":["hfns" ,"surface_downward_heat_flux"      ,"W m-2"      ],
            "264":["wfn"  ,"net_water_flux"                  ,"m s-1"      ],
            "265":["dqo3" ,"ozone_concentration"             ,"unknown"    ],
            "266":["lwth" ,"local_weathering"                ,"W_earth"    ],
            "267":["grnz" ,"ground_geopotential"             ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "268":["icez" ,"glacier_geopotential"            ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "269":["netz" ,"net_geopotential"                ,"m2 s-2"     ],
            "273":["dpdx" ,"d(ps)/dx"                        ,"Pa m-1"     ],
            "274":["dpdy" ,"d(ps)/dy"                        ,"Pa m-1"     ],
            "277":["hlpr" ,"half_level_pressure"             ,"Pa"         ],
            "278":["flpr" ,"full_level_pressure"             ,"Pa"         ],
            "279":["thetah","half_level_potential_temperature","K"         ],
            "280":["theta","full_level_potential_temperature","K"          ],
            "298":["vegf"     ,"forest_cover"                        ,"1"           ],
            "298":["vegf"     ,"forest_cover"                        ,"1"           ],
            "299":["veglai"   ,"vegetation_leaf_area_index"          ,"nondimen"    ],
            "300":["veggpp"   ,"vegetation_gross_primary_production" ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "301":["vegnpp"   ,"vegetation_net_primary_production"   ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "302":["vegppl"   ,"vegetation_light-lim_GPP"            ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "303":["vegppw"   ,"vegetation_h2o-lim_GPP"              ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "304":["vegplantc","vegetation_plant_carbon"             ,"kg C m-2"    ],
            "305":["vegsoilc" ,"vegetation_soil_carbon"              ,"kg C m-2"    ],
            "306":["vegnogrow","vegetation_no_growth_allocation"     ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "307":["veghresp" ,"vegetation_heterotrophic_respiration","kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "308":["veglitter","vegetation_litter_production"        ,"kg C m-2 s-1"],
            "318":["czen" ,"cosine_solar_zenith_angle"       ,"nondimen"   ],
            "319":["wthpr","weatherable_precipitation"       ,"mm day-1"   ],
            "320":["mint" ,"minimum_temperature"             ,"K"          ],
            "321":["maxt" ,"maximum_temperature"             ,"K"          ],
            "322":["cape" ,"convective_available_potential_energy","J kg-1"],
            "323":["lnb"  ,"level_neutral_buoyancy"          ,"hPa"        ],
            "324":["sdef" ,"troposphere_entropy_deficit"     ,"1"          ],
            "325":["absz" ,"sigma=0.85_abs_vorticity"        ,"s-1"        ],
            "326":["umax" ,"maximum_potential_intensity"     ,"m s-1"      ],
            "327":["vent" ,"ventilation_index"               ,"1"          ],
            "328":["vrumax","ventilation_reduced_maximum_wind","m s-1"     ],
            "329":["gpi"  ,"genesis_potential_index"            ,"1"       ],
            "404":["dfu"  ,"shortwave_up"                    ,"W m-2"      ],
            "405":["dfd"  ,"shortwave_down"                  ,"W m-2"      ],
            "406":["dftu"  ,"longwave_up"                    ,"W m-2"      ],
            "407":["dftd"  ,"longwave_down"                  ,"W m-2"      ],
            "408":["dtdt"  ,"rad_heating_rate"               ,"K s-1"      ],
            "409":["dfdz"  ,"flux_convergence"               ,"W m-3"      ],
            "410":["mmr"   ,"aerosol_mass_mixing_ratio"      ,"kg kg-1"    ],
            "411":["nrho"  ,"aerosol_number_density"         ,"particles m-3"]}

#dictionary that can be searched by string codes
slibrary = {}
for key in ilibrary:
    kcode = int(key)
    name = ilibrary[key][0]
    longn = ilibrary[key][1]
    units = ilibrary[key][2]
    slibrary[name] = [kcode,longn,units]
geopotcode  = 129 #done
tempcode    = 130 #done
ucode       = 131 #done
vcode       = 132 #done
humcode     = 133 #done
pscode      = 134 #done
wcode       = 135 #done
wzcode      = 137 #done
vortcode    = 138 #done
tscode      = 139 #done
stfcode     = 148 #done
vpotcode    = 149 #done
slpcode     = 151 #done
lnpscode    = 152 #done
divcode     = 155 #done
geopotzcode = 156 #done
rhumcode    = 157 #done
spdcode     = 259 #done
preccode    = 260 #done
ntopcode    = 261 #done
nbotcode    = 262 #done
nheatcode   = 263 #done
nh2ocode    = 264 #done
swatmcode   = 268 #done
lwatmcode   = 269 #done
natmcode    = 270 #done
sruncode    = 271 #done
dpsdxcode   = 273 #done
dpsdycode   = 274 #done
freshcode   = 275 #done
hpresscode  = 277 #done
fpresscode  = 278 #done
thetahcode  = 279 #done
thetafcode  = 280 #done


MARS_GRAV   = 3.728
MARS_RADIUS = 3400000.0
MARS_RD     = 189.0
L_TIMES_RHOH2O = -333700000.0
RLAPSE      = 0.0065    #International Standard Atmosphere temperature lapse rate in K/m
RH2O        = 1000 * 1.380658e-23*6.0221367e+23 / 18.0153

def _getEndian(fbuffer):
    '''Determine Endian-ness of the buffer'''
    import sys
    byteorder = sys.byteorder
    if byteorder=="little":
    tag = struct.unpack('i',fbuffer[:4])[0]
    if tag>1024:   #If we get a huge number for what should be an 8-word header, flip the byte order
        if endian==">": #We're in a Big-Endian system, and the buffer was written in little-Endian.
        else: #We're in a little-Endian system, and the buffer was written in Big-Endian.
    elif tag==0: #it was an 8-byte record marker
        tag = struct.unpack('l',fbuffer[:8])[0]
        if tag>1024:   #If we get a huge number for what should be an 8-word header, flip the byte order
            if endian==">": #We're in a Big-Endian system, and the buffer was written in little-Endian.
            else: #We're in a little-Endian system, and the buffer was written in Big-Endian.
    return endian

def _getmarkerlength(fbuffer,en):
    '''Determine how many bytes were used for record markers'''
    tag = struct.unpack(en+'i',fbuffer[:4])[0]
    if tag==0:
    return markerlength

def _getwordlength(fbuffer,n,en,fmt='i'):
    '''Determine if we're dealing with 32-bit output or 64-bit.
    At the moment, all exoplasim outputs are 32-bit, even if run in 64-bit. However, we should build
    compatibility for this eventuality in the future.
    fbuffer : bytes
        Binary bytes read from a file opened with ``mode='rb'`` and read with ````. 
    n : int
        The index of the byte at which to check. This should be the start of the first word of the 
        variable in question.
    en : str
        Endianness, denoted by ">" or "<"
    fmt : str
        Expected type of the word--'i' for integers (longs), and 'd' for floats (doubles). 
    int, str
       Word length in bytes, and format string for a word--4 for 32 bit, and 8 for 64 bit. 'i' for a 
       4-byte int, 'l' for an 8-byte int, 'f' for a 4-byte float, and 'd' for an 8-byte float.

    tag = struct.unpack(en+fmt,fbuffer[n:n+4])[0]
    if tag==0:
    if fmt=='i' and wordlength==8:
    elif fmt=='f' and wordlength==8:
    return wordlength,fmt

def _getknownwordlength(fbuffer,n,en,ml,mf):
    '''Determine word length of a data variable in cases where we know that the header is 8 words and is 32-bit.
    fbuffer : bytes
        Binary bytes read from a file opened with ``mode='rb'`` and read with ````. 
    n : int
        The index of the word at which to start, in bytes. A 32-bit word has length 4, so the current 
        position in words would be 4*n assuming 4-byte words, or 8*n if 64 bits and 8-byte words.
    en : str
        Endianness, denoted by ">" or "<"
    ml : int
        Length of a record marker
    mf : str
        Format of the record marker ('i' or 'l')
    int, str
       Word length in bytes, and format string for a word--4 for 32 bit, and 8 for 64 bit. 
       'f' for a 4-byte float, and 'd' for an 8-byte float.
    htag = struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])
    header = struct.unpack(en+8*'i',fbuffer[n:n+32])
    n+=32+ml #Add one word for restatement of header length
    dtag = struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0]
    dim1 = header[4]
    dim2 = header[5]
    length = dim1*dim2
    wordlength = dtag//length #dtag tells us the length of the coming record in bytes, while length is the
                              #length of the coming record in words. The ratio of the two is thus wordlength.
    if wordlength==4:
    return wordlength,fmt

[docs] def readrecord(fbuffer,n,en,ml,mf): '''Read a Fortran record from the buffer, starting at index n, and return the header, data, and updated n. Parameters ---------- fbuffer : bytes Binary bytes read from a file opened with ``mode='rb'`` and read with ````. n : int The index of the word at which to start, in bytes. A 32-bit word has length 4, so the current position in words would be 4*n assuming 4-byte words, or 8*n if 64 bits and 8-byte words. en : str Endianness, denoted by ">" or "<" ml : int Length of a record marker mf : str Format of the record marker ('i' or 'l') Returns ------- array-like, array-like, int A tuple containing first the header, then the data contained in the record, and finally the new position in the buffer in bytes. ''' if n<len(fbuffer): wl,fmt = _getknownwordlength(fbuffer,n,en,ml,mf) headerlength = int(struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0]//4) n+=ml header = struct.unpack(en+headerlength*'i',fbuffer[n:n+headerlength*4]) n+=headerlength*4+ml #Add one word for restatement of header length (for backwards seeking) datalength = int(struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0]//wl) n+=ml data = struct.unpack(en+datalength*fmt,fbuffer[n:n+datalength*wl]) n+=datalength*wl+ml #additional 4 for restatement of datalength return header,data,n else: raise Exception("Reached end of buffer!!!")
[docs] def readvariablecode(fbuffer,kcode,en,ml,mf): '''Seek through a binary output buffer and extract all records associated with a variable code. Note, assembling a variable list piece by piece in this way may be slower than reading **all** variables at once, because it requires seeking all the way through the buffer multiple times for each variable. This will likely only be faster if you only need a small number of variables. Parameters ---------- fbuffer : bytes Binary bytes read from a file opened with ``mode='rb'`` and read with ````. kcode : int The integer code associated with the variable. For possible codes, refer to the ``Postprocessor Variable Codes. <postprocessor.html#postprocessor-variable-codes>`_ en : str Endianness, denoted by ">" or "<" ml : int Length of a record marker mf : str Format of the record marker ('i' or 'l') Returns ------- array-like, array-like A tuple containing first the header, then the variable data, as one concatenated 1D variable. ''' n = 0 mainheader,zsig,n = readrecord(fbuffer,n,en,ml) variable = None while n<len(fbuffer): recordn0 = n headerlength = int(struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0]//4) n+=ml header = struct.unpack(en+headerlength*'i',fbuffer[n:n+headerlength*4]) n+=headerlength*4+ml datalength = struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0] n+=ml if header[0]==kcode: dataheader = header wl, fmt = _getknownwordlength(fbuffer,recordn0,en,ml,mf) datalength = int(datalength//wl) if not variable: variable = np.array(struct.unpack(en+datalength*fmt,fbuffer[n:n+datalength*wl])) else: variable = np.append(variable,struct.unpack(en+datalength*fmt,fbuffer[n:n+datalength*wl])) n+=datalength*wl+ml else: #Fast-forward past this variable without reading it. n+=datalength+ml return dataheader, variable
def _gettimevar(fbuffer): '''Extract the time array, as an array of timesteps''' en = _getEndian(fbuffer) ml,mf = _getwordlength(fbuffer,0,en) kcode = 139 #Use surface temperature to do this time = [] n = 0 mainheader,zsig,n = readrecord(fbuffer,n,en,ml) variable = None while n<len(fbuffer): recordn0 = n headerlength = int(struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0]//4) n+=ml header = struct.unpack(en+headerlength*'i',fbuffer[n:n+headerlength*4]) n+=headerlength*4+ml datalength = struct.unpack(en+mf,fbuffer[n:n+ml])[0] n+=ml if header[0]==kcode: time.append(header[6]) #nstep-nstep1 (timesteps since start of run) n+=datalength+ml return time
[docs] def readallvariables(fbuffer): '''Extract all variables and their headers from a file byte buffer. Doing this and then only keeping the codes you want may be faster than extracting variables one by one, because it only needs to seek through the file one time. Parameters ---------- fbuffer : bytes Binary bytes read from a file opened with ``mode='rb'`` and read with ````. Returns ------- dict, dict A dictionary containing all variable headers (by variable code), and a dictionary containing all variables, again by variable code. ''' en = _getEndian(fbuffer) ml,mf = _getwordlength(fbuffer,0,en) n=0 mainheader,zsig,n = readrecord(fbuffer,n,en,ml,mf) headers= {'main':mainheader} variables = {'main':zsig} nlev=mainheader[6] variables["sigmah"] = zsig[:nlev] variables["time"] = [] while n<len(fbuffer): header,field,n = readrecord(fbuffer,n,en,ml,mf) kcode = str(header[0]) if int(kcode)==139: variables["time"].append(header[6]) #nstep-nstep1 (timesteps since start of run) if kcode not in variables: variables[kcode] = np.array(field) headers[kcode] = header else: variables[kcode] = np.append(variables[kcode],field) return headers, variables
[docs] def refactorvariable(variable,header,ntimes=None,nlev=10): '''Given a 1D data array extracted from a file with :py:func:`readrecord <exoplasim.pyburn.readrecord>`, reshape it into its appropriate dimensions. Parameters ---------- variable : array-like Data array extracted from an output file using :py:func:`readrecord <exoplasim.pyburn.readrecord>`. Can also be the product of a concatenated file assembled with :py:func:`readvariable <exoplasim.pyburn.readvariable>`. header : array-like The header array extracted from the record associated with ``variable``. This header contains dimensional information. nlev : int, optional The number of vertical levels in the variable. If 1, vertical levels will not be a dimension in the output variable. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array with dimensions inferred from the header. ''' dim1 = max(header[4],header[5]) dim2 = min(header[4],header[5]) if header[1]==1: nlevs=nlev if ntimes is not None: if ntimes*nlevs*dim1*dim2<len(variable): nlevs=int(len(variable)/(ntimes*dim1*dim2)) else: if len(variable)%(float(len(variable))/(dim1*dim2*nlevs))!=0: nlevs+=1 else: nlevs=1 if ntimes is not None and ntimes*dim1*dim2>len(variable): ntimes = int(len(variable)//(dim1*dim2)) if ntimes is None: ntimes = int(len(variable)//(dim1*dim2*nlevs)) if nlevs==1: if dim2==1: if dim1==1: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,)) else: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,dim1)) else: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,dim2,dim1)) else: if dim2==1: if dim1==1: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,nlevs)) else: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,nlevs,dim1)) else: newvar = np.reshape(variable,(ntimes,nlevs,dim2,dim1)) return newvar
[docs] def readfile(filename): '''Extract all variables from a raw plasim output file and refactor them into the right shapes This routine will only produce what it is in the file; it will not compute derived variables. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the output file to read Returns ------- dict Dictionary of model variables, indexed by numerical code ''' with open(filename,"rb") as fb: fbuffer = headers, variables = readallvariables(fbuffer) nlevs = len(variables['sigmah']) sigmah = variables['sigmah'] kcodes = list(variables.keys()) kcodes.remove('sigmah') #time = _gettimevar(fbuffer) #This means we do one additional sweep through the file time = variables["time"] ntimes = len(time) kcodes.remove("time") data = {} for key in kcodes: data[key] = refactorvariable(variables[key],headers[key],ntimes=ntimes,nlev=nlevs) nlat = min(headers['main'][4],headers['main'][5]) nlon = max(headers['main'][4],headers['main'][5]) ntru = headers['main'][7] if sys.version[0]=="2": if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991v2 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft2 as pyfft else: if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft as pyfft sid,gwd = pyfft.inigau(nlat) rlat = np.arcsin(sid) lat = rlat*180.0/np.pi lon = np.arange(nlon)/float(nlon)*360.0 rlon = lon*np.pi/180.0 sigmab = np.append([0,],sigmah) sigma = 0.5*(sigmab[0:-1]+sigmab[1:]) #Mid-layer sigma data["lev"] = sigma[:] data["lat"] = lat[:] data["lon"] = lon[:] data["time"]= time[:] return data
def _transformvar(lon,lat,variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=180.0,physfilter=False,zonal=False,presync=False): '''Ensure a variable is in a given horizontal mode. Parameters ---------- lon : array-like Longitude array, in degrees lat : array-like Latitude array, in degrees variable : array-like Data array from dataset meta : list Meta array from dataset nlat : int Number of latitudes nlon : int Number of longitudes nlev : int Number of vertical levels ntru : int Truncation wavenumber ntime : int Number of output frames mode : str, optional Horizontal output mode. Can be 'grid', meaning the Gaussian latitude-longitude grid used in ExoPlaSim, 'spectral', meaning spherical harmonics, 'fourier', meaning Fourier coefficients and latitudes, 'synchronous', meaning a Gaussian latitude-longitude grid in the synchronous coordinate system defined in Paradise, et al (2021), with the north pole centered on the substellar point, or 'syncfourier', meaning Fourier coefficients computed along the dipolar meridians in the synchronous coordinate system (e.g. the substellar-antistellar-polar meridian, which is 0 degrees, or the substellar-evening-antistellar-morning equatorial meridian, which is 90 degrees). Because this will get assigned to the original latitude array, that will become -90 degrees for the polar meridian, and 0 degrees for the equatorial meridian, identical to the typical equatorial coordinate system. substellarlon : float, optional If mode='synchronous', the longitude of the substellar point in equatorial coordinates, in degrees physfilter : bool, optional Whether or not a physics filter should be used when transforming spectral variables to Fourier or grid domains zonal : bool, optional For grid modes ("grid" and "synchronous"), compute and output zonal means presync : bool, optional If True, the data have already been rotated into a synchronous coordinate system Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Transformed array ''' if sys.version[0]=="2": if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991v2 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft2 as pyfft else: if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft as pyfft if nlev in variable.shape: levd = "lev" elif nlev+1 in variable.shape: levd = "levp" if mode=="grid": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in variable.shape: #spectral variable if len(variable.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes*nlevs,variable.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] gridvar = pyfft.sp2gp(spvar,nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) gridvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvar),gridshape) gridvar = np.roll(gridvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid variable gridvar = variable if len(variable.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] elif len(variable.shape)==2: #column dims = ["time",levd] elif len(variable.shape)==1: #scalar dims = ["time",] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] if meta[0]=="hus": gridvar[gridvar<0] = 0.0 if zonal and "lon" in dims: gridvar = np.nanmean(gridvar,axis=-1) dims.remove("lon") meta.append(tuple(dims)) outvar = gridvar elif mode=="synchronous": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in variable.shape: #spectral variable if len(variable.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes*nlevs,variable.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] gridvar = pyfft.sp2gp(spvar,nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) gridvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvar),gridshape) gridvar = np.roll(gridvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid variable gridvar = variable if len(variable.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] elif len(variable.shape)==2: #column dims = ["time",levd] elif len(variable.shape)==1: #scalar dims = ["time",] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] if meta[0]=="hus": gridvar[gridvar<0] = 0.0 if not presync and "lat" in dims: lon,lat,tlgridvar = gcmt.eq2tl(gridvar,lon,lat,substellar=substellarlon, polemethod='interp') #fine bc all vectors are derived else: tlgridvar = gridvar if zonal and "lon" in dims: tlgridvar = np.nanmean(tlgridvar,axis=-1) dims.remove("lon") meta.append(tuple(dims)) outvar = tlgridvar elif mode=="spectral": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in variable.shape: #spectral variable specvar = variable if len(variable.shape)==3: dims = ("time",levd,"modes","complex") else: dims = ("time","modes","complex") else: if len(variable.shape)==4: #Include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) dims = ("time",levd,"modes","complex") elif len(variable.shape)==2: #column outvar = variable dims = ("time",levd) meta.append(dims) elif len(vairable.shape)==1: #scalar outvar = variable dims = ("time",) meta.append(dims) else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) dims = ("time","modes","complex") if "modes" in dims: spvar = pyfft.gp2sp(gpvar,nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) specvar = np.transpose(spvar) if "modes" in dims: shape = list(specvar.shape) shape[-1] //= 2 shape.append(2) shape = tuple(shape) specvar = np.reshape(specvar,shape) meta.append(dims) outvar = specvar elif mode=="fourier": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in variable.shape: #spectral variable if len(variable.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes*nlevs,variable.shape[2]))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] fcvar = pyfft.sp3fc(spvar,nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) fouriervar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvar),fcshape) else: #grid variable if len(variable.shape)==4: #include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] elif len(variable.shape)==2: #column fouriervar = variable dims = ["time",levd] elif len(variable.shape)==1: #scalar fouriervar = variable dims = ["time",] else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] if "fourier" in dims: fcvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpvar) fouriervar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvar),fcshape) meta.append(tuple(dims)) outvar = fouriervar elif mode=="syncfourier": #First transform into synchronous coordinate space if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in variable.shape: #spectral variable if len(variable.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = variable.shape[1] ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes*nlevs,variable.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] spvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(variable, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] gridvar = pyfft.sp2gp(spvar,nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) gridvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvar),gridshape) gridvar = np.roll(gridvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid variable gridvar = variable if len(variable.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] elif len(variable.shape)==2: #column dims = ["time",levd] elif len(variable.shape)==1: #scalar dims = ["time",] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] if meta[0]=="hus": gridvar[gridvar<0] = 0.0 if zonal and "lon" in dims: gridvar = np.nanmean(gridvar,axis=-1) dims.remove("lon") if not presync and "lat" in dims: lon,lat,tlgridvar = gcmt.eq2tl(gridvar,lon,lat,substellar=substellarlon, polemethod='interp') #fine bc all vectors are derived else: tlgridvar = gridvar #Next we want to reshape things so that parallel meridians link up to form circles. #This will leave us with half the longitudes, and twice the latitudes. #0 degrees "latitude" fourier coefficients will be the fourier transform along the #substellar polar meridian, while 90 degrees "latitude" will be the transform along #the equatorial meridian. if "lat" in dims: rottlgridvar = np.zeros(tlgridvar.shape) for jlon in range(nlats): rottlgridvar[...,jlon,:nlats] = tlgridvar[...,jlon] rottlgridvar[...,jlon,nlats:] = tlgridvar[...,jlon+nlats] #Compute fourier coefficients along our new "longitudes" if len(rottlgridvar.shape)==4: #include lev nlevs = rottlgridvar.shape[1] ntimes = rottlgridvar.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgridvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] else: ntimes = rottlgridvar.shape[0] gpvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgridvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] fcvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpvar) fouriervar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvar),fcshape) else: fouriervar = tlgridvar meta.append(tuple(dims)) outvar = fouriervar else: raise Exception("Invalid output mode selected") return (outvar,meta) def _transformvectorvar(lon,uvar,vvar,umeta,vmeta,lats,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=180.0,physfilter=False,zonal=False,radius=6371220.0): '''Ensure a variable is in a given horizontal mode. Parameters ---------- lon : array-like Longitude array, in degrees uvar : array-like U-axis data array from dataset (e.g. divergence, or u-wind) vvar : array-like V-axis data array from dataset (e.g. vorticity. or v-wind) meta : list Meta array from dataset lats : array-like Latitude array nlon : int Number of longitudes nlev : int Number of vertical levels ntru : int Truncation wavenumber ntime : int Number of output frames mode : str, optional Horizontal output mode. Can be 'grid', meaning the Gaussian latitude-longitude grid used in ExoPlaSim, 'spectral', meaning spherical harmonics, 'fourier', meaning Fourier coefficients and latitudes, 'synchronous', meaning a Gaussian latitude-longitude grid in the synchronous coordinate system defined in Paradise, et al (2021), with the north pole centered on the substellar point, or 'syncfourier', meaning Fourier coefficients computed along the dipolar meridians in the synchronous coordinate system (e.g. the substellar-antistellar-polar meridian, which is 0 degrees, or the substellar-evening-antistellar-morning equatorial meridian, which is 90 degrees). Because this will get assigned to the original latitude array, that will become -90 degrees for the polar meridian, and 0 degrees for the equatorial meridian, identical to the typical equatorial coordinate system. zonal : bool, optional For grid modes ("grid" and "synchronous"), compute and output zonal means substellarlon : float, optional If mode='synchronous', the longitude of the substellar point in equatorial coordinates, in degrees physfilter : bool, optional Whether or not a physics filter should be used when transforming spectral variables to Fourier or grid domains Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Transformed array ''' if np.nanmax(lats)>10: #Dealing with degrees, not radians rlats = lats*np.pi/180.0 else: rlats = lats[:] nlat = len(rlats) if sys.version[0]=="2": if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991v2 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft2 as pyfft else: if nlat in [192,320]: import exoplasim.pyfft991 as pyfft else: import exoplasim.pyfft as pyfft rdcostheta = radius/np.cos(rlats) costhetadr = np.cos(rlats)/radius if nlev in uvar.shape: levd = "lev" elif nlev+1 in uvar.shape: levd = "levp" if mode=="grid": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in uvar.shape: #spectral variable if len(uvar.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes*nlevs,uvar.shape[2]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes*nlevs,vvar.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes,variable.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] griduvar,gridvvar = pyfft.spvgp(spuvar,spvvar,rdcostheta,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) griduvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(griduvar),gridshape) gridvvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvvar),gridshape) griduvar = np.roll(griduvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) gridvvar = np.roll(gridvvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid variable griduvar = uvar gridvvar = vvar if len(uvar.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] if zonal: griduvar = np.nanmean(griduvar,axis=-1) gridvvar = np.nanmean(gridvvar,axis=-1) dims.remove("lon") umeta.append(tuple(dims)) vmeta.append(tuple(dims)) outuvar = griduvar outvvar = gridvvar elif mode=="synchronous": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in uvar.shape: #spectral variable if len(uvar.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes*nlevs,uvar.shape[2]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes*nlevs,vvar.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes,uvar.shape[1]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes,vvar.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] griduvar, gridvvar = pyfft.spvgp(spuvar,spvvar,rdcostheta,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) griduvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(griduvar),gridshape) gridvvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvvar),gridshape) griduvar = np.roll(griduvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) gridvvar = np.roll(gridvvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid uvar griduvar = uvar gridvvar = vvar if len(uvar.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] lon,lat,tlgriduvar,tlgridvvar = gcmt.eq2tl_uv(griduvar,gridvvar,lon,lats, substellar=substellarlon) if zonal: tlgriduvar = np.nanmean(tlgriduvar,axis=-1) tlgridvvar = np.nanmean(tlgridvvar,axis=-1) dims.remove("lon") umeta.append(tuple(dims)) vmeta.append(tuple(dims)) outuvar = tlgriduvar outvvar = tlgridvvar elif mode=="spectral": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in uvar.shape: #spectral variable specuvar = uvar specvvar = vvar if len(uvar.shape)==3: dims = ("time",levd,"modes","complex") else: dims = ("time","modes","complex") else: if len(uvar.shape)==4: #Include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) dims = ("time",levd,"modes","complex") else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) dims = ("time","modes","complex") spuvar,spvvar = pyfft.gpvsp(gpvuar,gpvvar,costhetadr,ntru,int(physfilter)) specuvar = np.transpose(spuvar) specvvar = np.transpose(spvvar) shape = list(specuvar.shape) shape[-1] //= 2 shape.append(2) shape = tuple(shape) specuvar = np.reshape(specuvar,shape) specvvar = np.reshape(specvvar,shape) umeta.append(dims) vmeta.append(dims) outuvar = specuvar outvvar = specvvar elif mode=="fourier": if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in uvar.shape: #spectral variable if len(uvar.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes*nlevs,uvar.shape[2]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes*nlevs,vvar.shape[2]))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes,uvar.shape[1]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes,vvar.shape[1]))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] gpuvar, gpvvar = pyfft.spvgp(spuvar,spvvar,rdcostheta,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) fcuvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpuvar) fcvvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpvvar) fourieruvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcuvar),fcshape) fouriervvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvvar),fcshape) else: #grid variable if len(uvar.shape)==4: #include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] fcuvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpuvar) fcvvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpvvar) fourieruvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcuvar),fcshape) fouriervvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvvar),fcshape) umeta.append(tuple(dims)) vmeta.append(tuple(dims)) outuvar = fourieruvar outvvar = fouriervvar elif mode=="syncfourier": #First transform into synchronous coordinate space if (ntru+1)*(ntru+2) in uvar.shape: #spectral variable if len(uvar.shape)==3: #Include lev nlevs = uvar.shape[1] ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes*nlevs,uvar.shape[2]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes*nlevs,vvar.shape[2]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] else: ntimes = uvar.shape[0] spuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(uvar, (ntimes,uvar.shape[1]))) ) spvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(vvar, (ntimes,vvar.shape[1]))) ) gridshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon) dims = ["time","lat","lon"] griduvar, gridvvar = pyfft.spvgp(spuvar,spvvar,rdcostheta,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) griduvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(griduvar),gridshape) gridvvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(gridvvar),gridshape) griduvar = np.roll(griduvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) gridvvar = np.roll(gridvvar,nlon//2,axis=-1) else: #grid uvar griduvar = uvar gridvvar = vvar if len(uvar.shape)==3: dims = ["time","lat","lon"] else: dims = ["time",levd,"lat","lon"] lon,lat,tlgriduvar,tlgridvvar = gcmt.eq2tl_uv(griduvar,gridvvar,lon,lats, substellar=substellarlon) #Next we want to reshape things so that parallel meridians link up to form circles. #This will leave us with half the longitudes, and twice the latitudes. #0 degrees "latitude" fourier coefficients will be the fourier transform along the #substellar polar meridian, while 90 degrees "latitude" will be the transform along #the equatorial meridian. rottlgriduvar = np.zeros(tlgriduvar.shape) rottlgridvvar = np.zeros(tlgridvvar.shape) for jlon in range(nlats): rottlgriduvar[...,jlon,:nlats] = tlgriduvar[...,jlon] rottlgridvvar[...,jlon,nlats:] = tlgridvvar[...,jlon+nlats] #Compute fourier coefficients along our new "longitudes" if len(rottlgriduvar.shape)==4: #include lev nlevs = rottlgriduvar.shape[1] ntimes = rottlgriduvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgriduvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgridvvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes*nlevs,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time",levd,"lat","fourier","complex"] else: ntimes = rottlgridvar.shape[0] gpuvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgriduvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) gpvvar = np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(np.reshape(rottlgridvvar/1.4142135623730951, (ntimes,nlat,nlon))) ) fcshape = (ntimes,nlat,nlon//2,2) dims = ["time","lat","fourier","complex"] fcuvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpuvar) fcvvar = pyfft.gp3fc(gpvvar) fourieruvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcuvar),fcshape) fouriervvar = np.reshape(np.transpose(fcvvar),fcshape) umeta.append(tuple(dims)) vmeta.append(tuple(dims)) outuvar = fourieruvar outvvar = fouriervvar else: raise Exception("Invalid output mode selected") return (outuvar,outvvar,umeta,vmeta)
[docs] def dataset(filename, variablecodes, mode='grid', zonal=False, substellarlon=180.0, physfilter=False, radius=1.0,gravity=9.80665,gascon=287.0,logfile=None): '''Read a raw output file, and construct a dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the raw output file variablecodes : array-like list of variables to include. Can be the integer variable codes from the burn7 postprocessor conventions (as either strings or integers), or the short variable name strings (e.g. 'rlut'), or a combination of the two. mode : str, optional Horizontal output mode. Can be 'grid', meaning the Gaussian latitude-longitude grid used in ExoPlaSim, 'spectral', meaning spherical harmonics, 'fourier', meaning Fourier coefficients and latitudes, 'synchronous', meaning a Gaussian latitude-longitude grid in the synchronous coordinate system defined in Paradise, et al (2021), with the north pole centered on the substellar point, or 'syncfourier', meaning Fourier coefficients computed along the dipolar meridians in the synchronous coordinate system (e.g. the substellar-antistellar-polar meridian, which is 0 degrees, or the substellar-evening-antistellar-morning equatorial meridian, which is 90 degrees). Because this will get assigned to the original latitude array, that will become -90 degrees for the polar meridian, and 0 degrees for the equatorial meridian, identical to the typical equatorial coordinate system. zonal : bool, optional For grid modes ("grid" and "synchronous"), compute and output zonal means substellarlon : float, optional If mode='synchronous', the longitude of the substellar point in equatorial coordinates, in degrees physfilter : bool, optional Whether or not a physics filter should be used when transforming spectral variables to Fourier or grid domains radius : float, optional Planet radius in Earth radii gravity : float, optional Surface gravity in m/s^2. gascon : float, optional Specific gas constant for dry gas (R$_d$) in J/kg/K. logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of extracted variables ''' plarad = radius*6371220.0 #convert Earth radii to metres rawdata = readfile(filename) lat = rawdata["lat"] lon = rawdata["lon"] lev = rawdata["lev"] time = rawdata["time"] nlat = len(lat) nlon = len(lon) nlev = len(lev) ntime = len(time) ntru = (nlon-1) // 3 rdataset = {} windless=True #Once we get ua and va, this should be false rlat = lat*np.pi/180.0 rlon = lon*np.pi/180.0 colat = np.cos(rlat) gridlnps,lnpsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(lnpscode)][:],ilibrary[str(lnpscode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dpsdx = np.zeros(gridlnps.shape) for jlat in range(nlat): dpsdx[...,jlat,:] = np.gradient(gridlnps[...,jlat,:],rlon*plarad*colat[jlat],axis=-1) dpsdy = np.gradient(gridlnps,rlat*plarad,axis=-2) gridps = np.exp(gridlnps) levp = np.zeros(nlev+1) levp[-1] = 1.0 levp[1:-1] = 0.5*(lev[1:]+lev[0:-1]) levp[0] = 0.5*lev[0]#-(levp[1]-lev[0]) pa = gridps[:,np.newaxis,:,:] * lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] hpa = gridps[:,np.newaxis,:,:] * levp[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] meanpa = np.nanmean(pa,axis=(0,2,3))*1.0e-2 meanhpa = np.nanmean(hpa,axis=(0,2,3))*1.0e-2 _log(logfile,"Interface Pressure Mid-Level Pressure") _log(logfile,"*****************************************") #%18s _log(logfile,"%14f hpa ------------------"%(meanhpa[0])) for jlev in range(nlev): _log(logfile,"------------------ %14f hpa"%(meanpa[jlev])) _log(logfile,"%14f hpa ------------------"%(meanhpa[jlev+1])) _log(logfile,"*****************************************") #%18s specmodes = np.zeros((ntru+1)*(ntru+2)) w=0 for m in range(ntru+1): for n in range(m,ntru+1): specmodes[w ] = n specmodes[w+1] = n w+=2 for key in variablecodes: '''Collect metadata from our built-in list, and extract the variable data if it already exists; if not set a flag that we need to derive it.''' if type(key)==int: try: meta = ilibrary[str(key)][:] except: raise Exception("Unknown variable code requested: %s"%str(key)) if str(key) in rawdata: variable = rawdata[str(key)][:] derived=False else: #_log(logfile,str(key)+" not in rawdata;",rawdata.keys()) derived=True else: if key in ilibrary: meta = ilibrary[key][:] elif key in slibrary: meta = slibrary[key][:] kcode = meta[0] meta[0] = key #_log(logfile,"Reassigning key; key was %s and is now %s"%(key,kcode)) key = str(kcode) #Now key is always the integer code, and meta[0] is always the name else: raise Exception("Unknown variable code requested: %s"%key) if key in rawdata: variable = rawdata[key][:] derived=False else: #_log(logfile,key+" not in rawdata;",rawdata.keys()) derived=True #_log(logfile,meta) meta.append(key) #_log(logfile,meta) #_log(logfile,meta,derived,rawdata.keys()) if not derived: #_log(logfile,"Found variable; no need to derive: %s"%meta[0]) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] _log(logfile,"Collected variable: %8s\t.... %3d timestamps"%(meta[0],variable.shape[0])) else: #derived=True # Add in derived variables #_log(logfile,nlat,nlon,ntru,nlevs*ntimes) #ta = pyfft.sp2gp(np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(np.reshape(data["130"],(ntimes*nlevs,data["130"].shape[-1])))), #nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) #ta = np.reshape(np.transpose(ta),(ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon)) #data["ta"] = ta if key==str(ucode): #ua if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[key][:] umeta.append(key) vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,meta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False else: meta=umeta[:-1] meta.append(key) meta.append(umeta[-1]) rdataset[meta[0]] = [ua,meta] elif key==str(vcode): #va if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[key][:] vmeta.append(key) ua,va,umeta,meta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False else: meta=vmeta[:-1] meta.append(key) meta.append(vmeta[-1]) rdataset[meta[0]] = [va,meta] elif key==str(spdcode): #spd if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) meta.append(umeta[-1]) spd = np.sqrt(ua**2+va**2) rdataset[meta[0]] = [spd,meta] elif key==str(dpsdxcode): #dpsdx meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = gridps*dpsdx variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(dpsdycode): #dpsdy meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = gridps*dpsdy variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(preccode): #precipiation # prc + prl meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["142"][:]+rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(ntopcode): #Net top radiation # rst + rlut meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:]+rawdata["179"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nbotcode): #Net bottom radiation # rss + rls meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["176"][:]+rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nheatcode): #Net heat flux # Melt*L*rho + rss + rls + hfss + hfls meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = (rawdata["218"][:]*L_TIMES_RHOH2O +rawdata["176"][:] + rawdata["177"][:] +rawdata["146"][:] + rawdata["147"][:]) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nh2ocode): #Net water flux # evap - mrro + precip meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["182"][:] - rawdata["160"][:] + rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(swatmcode): #Shortwave net # rst = rss meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:] - rawdata["176"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(lwatmcode): #longwave net # rlut - rst meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["179"][:] - rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(natmcode): #Net atmospheric radiation # rst + rlut - rss - rst meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:] - rawdata["176"][:] + rawdata["179"][:] - rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(sruncode): #Precip + Evap - Increase in snow = water added to bucket #Actual runoff should be precip + evap + melt + soilh2o - bucketmax meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["182"][:] - rawdata["221"][:] + rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(freshcode): #Precip + Evap meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] + rawdata["182"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(wcode): #Omega? vertical air velocity in Pa/s # w = p(j)*(u(i,j)*dpsdx(i,j)+v(i,j)*dpsdy(i,j)) # - deltap(j)*(div(i,j)+u(i,j)*dpsdx(i,j)+v(i,j)*dpsdy(i,j)) #get pa #if "ps" in rdataset: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ps"][0][:],rdataset["ps"][1][:],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #else: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps,ilibrary["134"],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #pa = ps[:,np.newaxis,:,:]*lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] #We already got pa if not windless: uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta[:],vmeta[:],lat, nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) wap = np.zeros(dv.shape) for t in range(ntime): for j in range(nlat): for i in range(nlon): wap[t,:,j,i] = (pa[t,:,j,i]*(uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]) - scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(np.append([0,], dv[t,:,j,i] +uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]), x=np.append([0,],pa[t,:,j,i]))) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],wap,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]] = [variable*1.0e-2,meta] #transform to hPa/s elif key==str(wzcode): #Vertical wind wa # wa = -omega * gascon * ta / (grav * pa) #get pa #if "ps" in rdataset: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ps"][0][:],rdataset["ps"][1][:],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #else: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps,ilibrary["134"],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #pa = ps[:,np.newaxis,:,:]*lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] #We already got pa if "wap" in rdataset: omega = rdataset["wap"][0] else: if not windless: uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta[:],vmeta[:], lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) omega = np.zeros(dv.shape) for t in range(ntime): for j in range(nlat): for i in range(nlon): omega[t,:,j,i] = (pa[t,:,j,i]*(uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]) - scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(np.append([0,], dv[t,:,j,i] +uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]), x=np.append([0,],(pa[t,:,j,i])))) omega,wmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],omega,vmeta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter) if "ta" in rdataset: ta,tameta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: ta,tameta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) wa = -omega*gascon*ta / (gravity*pa) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) wa,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],wa,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]] = [wa,meta] elif key==str(pscode): #surface pressure (hPa) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps*1.0e-2,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime, mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(vpotcode): #Velocity potential (psi) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) vdiv,vmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(divcode)][:], meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='spectral',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #Need it to be spectral vdivshape = list(vdiv.shape[:-1]) vdivshape[-1]*=2 vdivshape = tuple(vdivshape) vdiv = np.reshape(vdiv,vdivshape) vpot = np.zeros(vdiv.shape) modes = np.resize(specmodes,vdiv.shape) vpot[...,2:] = vdiv[...,2:] * plarad**2/(modes**2+modes)[...,2:] meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],vpot,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(stfcode): #Streamfunction (stf) if mode in ("fourier","spectral","syncfourier"): if mode in ("fourier","spectral"): tempmode = "grid" else: tempmode = "synchronous" else: tempmode = mode if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta, lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=tempmode, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False, radius=plarad) windless = False else: ua,va,umeta2,vmeta2 = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta, lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=tempmode, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False, radius=plarad) #svort,smeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(vortcode)][:], #ilibrary[str(vortcode)][:],nlat, #nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='spectral', #substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, #zonal=False) #Need it to be spectral #svortshape = list(svort.shape[:-1]) #svortshape[-1]*=2 #svortshape = tuple(svortshape) #svort = np.reshape(svort,svortshape) #stf = np.zeros(svort.shape) #modes = np.resize(specmodes,svort.shape) #stf[...,2:] = svort[...,2:] * plarad**2/(modes**2+modes)[...,2:] vadp = np.zeros(va.shape) for nt in range(ntime): for jlat in range(nlat): for jlon in range(nlon): vadp[nt,:,jlat,jlon] = scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(va[nt,:,jlat,jlon], x=pa[nt,:,jlat,jlon], initial=0.0) prefactor = 2*np.pi*plarad*colat/gravity sign = 1 - 2*(tempmode=="synchronous") #-1 for synchronous, 1 for equatorial stf = sign*prefactor[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*vadp meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],stf,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal,presync=True) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(slpcode): #Sea-level pressure (slp) if "sg" in rdataset: geopot,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["sg"][0][:], ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) else: geopot,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(geopotcode)][:], ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) #temp should be bottom layer of atmospheric temperature if "ta" in rdataset: tta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: tta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) temp = tta[:,-1,...] #aph is half-level pressure #apf is full-level pressure aph = hpa[:,-1,...] #surface pressure apf = pa[:,-1,...] #mid-layer pressure of bottom layer slp = np.zeros(geopot.shape) slp[abs(geopot)<1.0e-4] = aph[abs(geopot)<1.0e-4] mask = abs(geopot)>=1.0e-4 alpha = gascon*RLAPSE/gravity tstar = (1 + alpha*(aph[mask]/apf[mask]-1))*temp[mask] tstar[tstar<255.0] = 0.5*(255+tstar[tstar<255.0]) tmsl = tstar + geopot[mask]*RLAPSE/gravity ZPRT = geopot[mask] / (gascon*tstar) ZPRTAL = np.zeros(ZPRT.shape) mask2 = abs(tmsl-tstar)<1.0e-6 mask3 = abs(tmsl-tstar)>=1.0e-6 ZPRTAL[mask2] = 0.0 alpha = gascon * (tmsl[mask3]-tstar[mask3])/geopot[mask][mask3] ZPRTAL[mask3] = ZPRT[mask3] * alpha slp[mask] = aph[mask] * np.exp(ZPRT*(1.0-ZPRTAL*(0.5-ZPRTAL/3.0))) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],slp,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(geopotzcode): #Geopotential height #we need temperature, humidity, half-level pressure if "hus" in rdataset: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["hus"][0][:], ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(humcode)][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) qq[qq<0] = 0.0 if "ta" in rdataset: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "sg" in rdataset: oro,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["sg"][0][:],ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) else: oro,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(geopotcode)][:],ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) gzshape = list(qq.shape) gzshape[1] = len(levp) gz = np.zeros(gzshape) gz[:,nlev,...] = oro[:] #bottom layer of geopotential Z is the orographic geopotential VTMP = RH2O/gascon - 1.0 twolog2 = 2.0*np.log(2.0) if np.nanmax(qq)>=1.0e-14: #Non-dry atmosphere for jlev in range(nlev-1,0,-1): gz[:,jlev,...] = (gz[:,jlev+1,...] + gascon*temp[:,jlev,...]*(1.0+VTMP+qq[:,jlev,...]) *np.log(hpa[:,jlev+1,...])/hpa[:,jlev,...]) gz[:,0,...] = gz[:,1,...] + gascon*temp[:,0,...]*(1.0+VTMP+qq[:,0,...])*twolog2 else: #Dry atmosphere for jlev in range(nlev-1,0,-1): gz[:,jlev,...] = (gz[:,jlev+1,...] + gascon*temp[:,jlev,...] *np.log(hpa[:,jlev+1,...])/hpa[:,jlev,...]) gz[:,0,...] = gz[:,1,...] + gascon*temp[:,0,...]*twolog2 gz *= 1.0/gravity meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gz,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(rhumcode): #relative humidity (hur) rv = 461.51 TMELT = 273.16 ra1 = 610.78 ra2 = 17.2693882 ra4 = 35.86 rdbrv = gascon / rv if "ta" in rdataset: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "hus" in rdataset: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["hus"][0][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(humcode)][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #This is the saturation vapor pressure divided by the local pressure to give saturation #specific humidity, but it seems like it must account for the pressure contribution of #water. zqsat = rdbrv * ra1 * np.exp(ra2 * (temp-TMELT)/(temp-ra4)) / pa #saturation spec hum zqsat *= 1.0 / (1.0 - (1.0/rdbrv-1.0)*zqsat) rh = qq/zqsat * 100.0 rh[rh<0.0 ] = 0.0 rh[rh>100.0] = 100.0 meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rh,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev, ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(hpresscode): #Half-level pressure meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],hpa,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(fpresscode): #Full-level pressure meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],pa,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetahcode) or key==str(thetafcode): #Potential temperature if "theta" in rdataset or "thetah" in rdataset: if key==str(thetahcode): meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],thetah,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetafcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],theta,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] else: if "ta" in rdataset: ta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: ta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "ts" in rdataset: tsurf,tsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ts"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tscode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: tsurf,tsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tscode)][:],ilibrary[str(tscode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) thetah = np.zeros(hpa.shape) theta = np.zeros( pa.shape) kappa = 1.0/3.5 for jlev in range(nlev-1): thetah[:,jlev+1,...] = (0.5*(ta[:,jlev,...]+ta[:,jlev+1,...]) *(gridps/hpa[:,jlev,...])**kappa) thetah[:,nlev,...] = tsurf[:] theta = 0.5*(thetah[:,:-1,...] + thetah[:,1:,...]) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) if key==str(thetahcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],thetah,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetafcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],theta,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] _log(logfile,"Collected variable: %8s\t.... %3d timestamps"%(meta[0],variable.shape[0])) rdataset["lat"] = [np.array(lat),["lat","latitude","deg"] ] rdataset["lon"] = [np.array(lon),["lon","longitude","deg"]] rdataset["lev"] = [np.array(lev),["lev","sigma_coordinate","nondimensional"] ] rdataset["levp"] = [np.array(levp),["levp","half_sigma_coordinate","nondimensional"]] rdataset["time"] = [np.array(time),["time","timestep_of_year","timesteps"] ] return rdataset
[docs] def advancedDataset(filename, variablecodes, mode='grid', substellarlon=180.0, radius=1.0,gravity=9.80665,gascon=287.0,physfilter=False,logfile=None): '''Read a raw output file, and construct a dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the raw output file variablecodes : dict Variables to include. Each member must use the variable name as the key, and contain a sub-dict with the horizontal mode, zonal averaging, and physics filtering options optionall set as members. For example:: {"ts":{"mode":"grid","zonal":False}, "stf":{"mode":"grid","zonal":True,"physfilter":True}} Options that are not set take on their default values from :py:func:`dataset() <exoplasim.pyburn.dataset>`. mode : str, optional Horizontal output mode. Can be 'grid', meaning the Gaussian latitude-longitude grid used in ExoPlaSim, 'spectral', meaning spherical harmonics, 'fourier', meaning Fourier coefficients and latitudes, 'synchronous', meaning a Gaussian latitude-longitude grid in the synchronous coordinate system defined in Paradise, et al (2021), with the north pole centered on the substellar point, or 'syncfourier', meaning Fourier coefficients computed along the dipolar meridians in the synchronous coordinate system (e.g. the substellar-antistellar-polar meridian, which is 0 degrees, or the substellar-evening-antistellar-morning equatorial meridian, which is 90 degrees). Because this will get assigned to the original latitude array, that will become -90 degrees for the polar meridian, and 0 degrees for the equatorial meridian, identical to the typical equatorial coordinate system. zonal : bool, optional For grid modes ("grid" and "synchronous"), compute and output zonal means physfilter : bool, optional Whether or not a physics filter should be used when transforming spectral variables to Fourier or grid domains substellarlon : float, optional If mode='synchronous', the longitude of the substellar point in equatorial coordinates, in degrees radius : float, optional Planet radius in Earth radii gravity : float, optional Surface gravity in m/s^2. gascon : float, optional Specific gas constant for dry gas (R$_d$) in J/kg/K. logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of extracted variables ''' plarad = radius*6371220.0 #convert Earth radii to metres rawdata = readfile(filename) lat = rawdata["lat"] lon = rawdata["lon"] lev = rawdata["lev"] time = rawdata["time"] nlat = len(lat) nlon = len(lon) nlev = len(lev) ntime = len(time) ntru = (nlon-1) // 3 rdataset = {} windless=True #Once we get ua and va, this should be false rlat = lat*np.pi/180.0 rlon = lon*np.pi/180.0 colat = np.cos(rlat) gridlnps,lnpsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(lnpscode)][:],ilibrary[str(lnpscode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dpsdx = np.zeros(gridlnps.shape) for jlat in range(nlat): dpsdx[...,jlat,:] = np.gradient(gridlnps[...,jlat,:],rlon*plarad*colat[jlat],axis=-1) dpsdy = np.gradient(gridlnps,rlat*plarad,axis=-2) gridps = np.exp(gridlnps) levp = np.zeros(nlev+1) levp[-1] = 1.0 levp[1:-1] = 0.5*(lev[1:]+lev[0:-1]) levp[0] = 0.5*lev[0]#-(levp[1]-lev[0]) pa = gridps[:,np.newaxis,:,:] * lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] hpa = gridps[:,np.newaxis,:,:] * levp[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] meanpa = np.nanmean(pa,axis=(0,2,3))*1.0e-2 meanhpa = np.nanmean(hpa,axis=(0,2,3))*1.0e-2 _log(logfile,"Interface Pressure Mid-Level Pressure") _log(logfile,"*****************************************") #%18s _log(logfile,"%14f hpa ------------------"%(meanhpa[0])) for jlev in range(nlev): _log(logfile,"------------------ %14f hpa"%(meanpa[jlev])) _log(logfile,"%14f hpa ------------------"%(meanhpa[jlev+1])) _log(logfile,"*****************************************") #%18s specmodes = np.zeros((ntru+1)*(ntru+2)) w=0 for m in range(ntru+1): for n in range(m,ntru+1): specmodes[w ] = n specmodes[w+1] = n w+=2 for key in variablecodes: '''Collect metadata from our built-in list, and extract the variable data if it already exists; if not set a flag that we need to derive it.''' if type(key)==int: try: meta = ilibrary[str(key)][:] except: raise Exception("Unknown variable code requested: %s"%str(key)) if str(key) in rawdata: variable = rawdata[str(key)][:] derived=False else: #_log(logfile,str(key)+" not in rawdata;",rawdata.keys()) derived=True else: if key in ilibrary: meta = ilibrary[key][:] elif key in slibrary: meta = slibrary[key][:] kcode = meta[0] meta[0] = key #_log(logfile,"Reassigning key; key was %s and is now %s"%(key,kcode)) key = str(kcode) #Now key is always the integer code, and meta[0] is always the name else: raise Exception("Unknown variable code requested: %s"%key) if key in rawdata: variable = rawdata[key][:] derived=False else: #_log(logfile,key+" not in rawdata;",rawdata.keys()) derived=True #_log(logfile,meta) meta.append(key) #_log(logfile,meta) #_log(logfile,meta,derived,rawdata.keys()) if not derived: #_log(logfile,"Found variable; no need to derive: %s"%meta[0]) mode = "grid"; zonal=False; physfilter=False if "mode" in variablecodes[key]: mode=variablecodes[key]["mode"] if "zonal" in variablecodes[key]: zonal=variablecodes[key]["zonal"] if "physfilter" in variablecodes[key]: physfilter=variablecodes[key]["physfilter"] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] _log(logfile,"Collected variable: %8s\t.... %3d timestamps"%(meta[0],variable.shape[0])) else: #derived=True # Add in derived variables #_log(logfile,nlat,nlon,ntru,nlevs*ntimes) #ta = pyfft.sp2gp(np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(np.reshape(data["130"],(ntimes*nlevs,data["130"].shape[-1])))), #nlat,nlon,ntru,int(physfilter)) #ta = np.reshape(np.transpose(ta),(ntimes,nlevs,nlat,nlon)) #data["ta"] = ta mode = "grid"; zonal=False; physfilter=False if "mode" in variablecodes[key]: mode=variablecodes[key]["mode"] if "zonal" in variablecodes[key]: zonal=variablecodes[key]["zonal"] if "physfilter" in variablecodes[key]: physfilter=variablecodes[key]["physfilter"] if key==str(ucode): #ua if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[key][:] umeta.append(key) vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,meta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False else: meta=umeta[:-1] meta.append(key) meta.append(umeta[-1]) rdataset[meta[0]] = [ua,meta] elif key==str(vcode): #va if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[key][:] vmeta.append(key) ua,va,umeta,meta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False else: meta=vmeta[:-1] meta.append(key) meta.append(vmeta[-1]) rdataset[meta[0]] = [va,meta] elif key==str(spdcode): #spd if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal, radius=plarad) windless = False meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) meta.append(umeta[-1]) spd = np.sqrt(ua**2+va**2) rdataset[meta[0]] = [spd,meta] elif key==str(dpsdxcode): #dpsdx meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = gridps*dpsdx variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(dpsdycode): #dpsdy meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = gridps*dpsdy variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(preccode): #precipiation # prc + prl meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["142"][:]+rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(ntopcode): #Net top radiation # rst + rlut meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:]+rawdata["179"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nbotcode): #Net bottom radiation # rss + rls meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["176"][:]+rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nheatcode): #Net heat flux # Melt*L*rho + rss + rls + hfss + hfls meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = (rawdata["218"][:]*L_TIMES_RHOH2O +rawdata["176"][:] + rawdata["177"][:] +rawdata["146"][:] + rawdata["147"][:]) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(nh2ocode): #Net water flux # evap - mrro + precip meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["182"][:] - rawdata["160"][:] + rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(swatmcode): #Shortwave net # rst = rss meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:] - rawdata["176"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(lwatmcode): #longwave net # rlut - rst meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["179"][:] - rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(natmcode): #Net atmospheric radiation # rst + rlut - rss - rst meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["178"][:] - rawdata["176"][:] + rawdata["179"][:] - rawdata["177"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(sruncode): #Precip + Evap - Increase in snow = water added to bucket #Actual runoff should be precip + evap + melt + soilh2o - bucketmax meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["182"][:] - rawdata["221"][:] + rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(freshcode): #Precip + Evap meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable = rawdata["142"][:] + rawdata["143"][:] + rawdata["182"][:] variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],variable,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(wcode): #Omega? vertical air velocity in Pa/s # w = p(j)*(u(i,j)*dpsdx(i,j)+v(i,j)*dpsdy(i,j)) # - deltap(j)*(div(i,j)+u(i,j)*dpsdx(i,j)+v(i,j)*dpsdy(i,j)) #get pa #if "ps" in rdataset: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ps"][0][:],rdataset["ps"][1][:],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #else: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps,ilibrary["134"],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #pa = ps[:,np.newaxis,:,:]*lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] #We already got pa if not windless: uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta[:],vmeta[:],lat, nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) wap = np.zeros(dv.shape) for t in range(ntime): for j in range(nlat): for i in range(nlon): wap[t,:,j,i] = (pa[t,:,j,i]*(uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]) - scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(np.append([0,], dv[t,:,j,i] +uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]), x=np.append([0,],pa[t,:,j,i]))) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],wap,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]] = [variable*1.0e-2,meta] #transform to hPa/s elif key==str(wzcode): #Vertical wind wa # wa = -omega * gascon * ta / (grav * pa) #get pa #if "ps" in rdataset: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ps"][0][:],rdataset["ps"][1][:],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #else: #ps,pmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps,ilibrary["134"],nlat,nlon,nlev, #ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, #physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #pa = ps[:,np.newaxis,:,:]*lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] #We already got pa if "wap" in rdataset: omega = rdataset["wap"][0] else: if not windless: uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta[:],vmeta[:], lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] uu,vv,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta,lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode='grid',radius=plarad, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) dv,dmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],div,ilibrary[str(divcode)][:],nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime, mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) omega = np.zeros(dv.shape) for t in range(ntime): for j in range(nlat): for i in range(nlon): omega[t,:,j,i] = (pa[t,:,j,i]*(uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]) - scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(np.append([0,], dv[t,:,j,i] +uu[t,:,j,i]*dpsdx[t,j,i] +vv[t,:,j,i]*dpsdy[t,j,i]), x=np.append([0,],(pa[t,:,j,i])))) omega,wmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],omega,vmeta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter) if "ta" in rdataset: ta,tameta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: ta,tameta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='grid', substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) wa = -omega*gascon*ta / (gravity*pa) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) wa,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],wa,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]] = [wa,meta] elif key==str(pscode): #surface pressure meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gridps*1.0e-2,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime, mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(vpotcode): #Velocity potential (psi) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) vdiv,vmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(divcode)][:], meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='spectral',substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #Need it to be spectral vdivshape = list(vdiv.shape[:-1]) vdivshape[-1]*=2 vdivshape = tuple(vdivshape) vdiv = np.reshape(vdiv,vdivshape) vpot = np.zeros(vdiv.shape) modes = np.resize(specmodes,vdiv.shape) vpot[...,2:] = vdiv[...,2:] * plarad**2/(modes**2+modes)[...,2:] meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],vpot,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(stfcode): #Streamfunction (stf) if mode in ("fourier","spectral","syncfourier"): if mode in ("fourier","spectral"): tempmode = "grid" else: tempmode = "synchronous" else: tempmode = mode if windless: div = rawdata[str(divcode)][:] vort = rawdata[str(vortcode)][:] umeta = ilibrary[str(ucode)][:] vmeta = ilibrary[str(vcode)][:] ua,va,umeta,vmeta = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta, lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=tempmode, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False, radius=plarad) windless = False else: ua,va,umeta2,vmeta2 = _transformvectorvar(lon[:],div,vort,umeta,vmeta, lat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=tempmode, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False, radius=plarad) #svort,smeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(vortcode)][:], #ilibrary[str(vortcode)][:],nlat, #nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode='spectral', #substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, #zonal=False) #Need it to be spectral #svortshape = list(svort.shape[:-1]) #svortshape[-1]*=2 #svortshape = tuple(svortshape) #svort = np.reshape(svort,svortshape) #stf = np.zeros(svort.shape) #modes = np.resize(specmodes,svort.shape) #stf[...,2:] = svort[...,2:] * plarad**2/(modes**2+modes)[...,2:] vadp = np.zeros(va.shape) for nt in range(ntime): for jlat in range(nlat): for jlon in range(nlon): vadp[nt,:,jlat,jlon] = scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid(va[nt,:,jlat,jlon], x=pa[nt,:,jlat,jlon], initial=0.0) prefactor = 2*np.pi*plarad*colat/gravity sign = 1 - 2*(tempmode=="synchronous") #-1 for synchronous, 1 for equatorial stf = sign*prefactor[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*vadp meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],stf,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(slpcode): #Sea-level pressure (slp) if "sg" in rdataset: geopot,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["sg"][0][:], ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) else: geopot,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(geopotcode)][:], ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) #temp should be bottom layer of atmospheric temperature if "ta" in rdataset: tta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: tta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) temp = tta[:,-1,...] #aph is half-level pressure #apf is full-level pressure aph = hpa[:,-1,...] #surface pressure apf = pa[:,-1,...] #mid-layer pressure of bottom layer slp = np.zeros(geopot.shape) slp[abs(geopot)<1.0e-4] = aph[abs(geopot)<1.0e-4] mask = abs(geopot)>=1.0e-4 alpha = gascon*RLAPSE/gravity tstar = (1 + alpha*(aph[mask]/apf[mask]-1))*temp[mask] tstar[tstar<255.0] = 0.5*(255+tstar[tstar<255.0]) tmsl = tstar + geopot[mask]*RLAPSE/gravity ZPRT = geopot[mask] / (gascon*tstar) ZPRTAL = np.zeros(ZPRT.shape) mask2 = abs(tmsl-tstar)<1.0e-6 mask3 = abs(tmsl-tstar)>=1.0e-6 ZPRTAL[mask2] = 0.0 alpha = gascon * (tmsl[mask3]-tstar[mask3])/geopot[mask][mask3] ZPRTAL[mask3] = ZPRT[mask3] * alpha slp[mask] = aph[mask] * np.exp(ZPRT*(1.0-ZPRTAL*(0.5-ZPRTAL/3.0))) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],slp,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(geopotzcode): #Geopotential height #we need temperature, humidity, half-level pressure if "hus" in rdataset: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["hus"][0][:], ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(humcode)][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) qq[qq<0] = 0.0 if "ta" in rdataset: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "sg" in rdataset: oro,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["sg"][0][:],ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) else: oro,gmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(geopotcode)][:],ilibrary[str(geopotcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) gzshape = list(qq.shape) gzshape[1] = len(levp) gz = np.zeros(gzshape) gz[:,nlev,...] = oro[:] #bottom layer of geopotential Z is the orographic geopotential VTMP = RH2O/gascon - 1.0 twolog2 = 2.0*np.log(2.0) if np.nanmax(qq)>=1.0e-14: #Non-dry atmosphere for jlev in range(nlev-1,0,-1): gz[:,jlev,...] = (gz[:,jlev+1,...] + gascon*temp[:,jlev,...]*(1.0+VTMP+qq[:,jlev,...]) *np.log(hpa[:,jlev+1,...])/hpa[:,jlev,...]) gz[:,0,...] = gz[:,1,...] + gascon*temp[:,0,...]*(1.0+VTMP+qq[:,0,...])*twolog2 else: #Dry atmosphere for jlev in range(nlev-1,0,-1): gz[:,jlev,...] = (gz[:,jlev+1,...] + gascon*temp[:,jlev,...] *np.log(hpa[:,jlev+1,...])/hpa[:,jlev,...]) gz[:,0,...] = gz[:,1,...] + gascon*temp[:,0,...]*twolog2 gz *= 1.0/gravity meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],gz,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(rhumcode): #relative humidity (hur) rv = 461.51 TMELT = 273.16 ra1 = 610.78 ra2 = 17.2693882 ra4 = 35.86 rdbrv = gascon / rv if "ta" in rdataset: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: temp,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "hus" in rdataset: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["hus"][0][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid",substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: qq,qmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(humcode)][:],ilibrary[str(humcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) #This is the saturation vapor pressure divided by the local pressure to give saturation #specific humidity, but it seems like it must account for the pressure contribution of #water. zqsat = rdbrv * ra1 * np.exp(ra2 * (temp-TMELT)/(temp-ra4)) / pa #saturation spec hum zqsat *= 1.0 / (1.0 - (1.0/rdbrv-1.0)*zqsat) rh = qq/zqsat * 100.0 rh[rh<0.0 ] = 0.0 rh[rh>100.0] = 100.0 meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rh,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev, ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(hpresscode): #Half-level pressure meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],hpa,meta,nlat,nlon, nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(fpresscode): #Full-level pressure meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],pa,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode=mode, substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetahcode) or key==str(thetafcode): #Potential temperature if "theta" in rdataset or "thetah" in rdataset: if key==str(thetahcode): meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],thetah,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetafcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],theta,meta,nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] else: if "ta" in rdataset: ta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ta"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: ta,tmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tempcode)][:],ilibrary[str(tempcode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) if "ts" in rdataset: tsurf,tsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rdataset["ts"][0][:],ilibrary[str(tscode)][:],nlat, nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=False) else: tsurf,tsmeta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],rawdata[str(tscode)][:],ilibrary[str(tscode)][:], nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru,ntime,mode="grid", substellarlon=substellarlon,physfilter=physfilter, zonal=False) thetah = np.zeros(hpa.shape) theta = np.zeros( pa.shape) kappa = 1.0/3.5 for jlev in range(nlev-1): thetah[:,jlev+1,...] = (0.5*(ta[:,jlev,...]+ta[:,jlev+1,...]) *(gridps/hpa[:,jlev,...])**kappa) thetah[:,nlev,...] = tsurf[:] theta = 0.5*(thetah[:,:-1,...] + thetah[:,1:,...]) meta = ilibrary[key][:] meta.append(key) if key==str(thetahcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],thetah,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] elif key==str(thetafcode): variable,meta = _transformvar(lon[:],lat[:],theta,meta, nlat,nlon,nlev,ntru, ntime,mode=mode,substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,zonal=zonal) rdataset[meta[0]]= [variable,meta] _log(logfile,"Collected variable: %8s\t.... %3d timestamps"%(meta[0],variable.shape[0])) rdataset["lat"] = [np.array(lat),["lat","latitude","deg"] ] rdataset["lon"] = [np.array(lon),["lon","longitude","deg"]] rdataset["lev"] = [np.array(lev),["lev","sigma_coordinate","nondimensional"] ] rdataset["levp"] = [np.array(levp),["levp","half_sigma_coordinate","nondimensional"]] rdataset["time"] = [np.array(time),["time","timestep_of_year","timesteps"] ] return rdataset
[docs] def netcdf(rdataset,filename="",append=False,logfile=None): '''Write a dataset to a netCDF file. Parameters ---------- rdataset : dict A dictionary of outputs as generated from :py:func:`pyburn.dataset()<exoplasim.pyburn.dataset>` filename : str, optional Path to the output file that should be written. append : bool, optional Whether the file should be opened in "append" mode, or overwritten (default). logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- object A netCDF object corresponding to the file that has been written. ''' import netCDF4 as nc latitude = rdataset["lat" ] longitude = rdataset["lon" ] level = rdataset["lev" ] levelp = rdataset["levp"] timestamp = rdataset["time"] nlats = len( latitude[0]) nlons = len(longitude[0]) nlevs = len( level[0]) ntimes = len(timestamp[0]) ntru = (nlons-1)//3 nmodes = ((ntru+1)*(ntru+2))//2 complex64 = np.dtype([("real",np.float32),("imag",np.float32)]) if append: ncd = nc.Dataset(filename, "a", format="NETCDF4") complex64_t = ncd.cmptypes["complex64"] ntimes0 = len(ncd.variables["time"][:]) t0 = ntimes0 t1 = t0+ntimes times = ncd.variables['time'] times[t0:t1] = np.array(timestamp[0]).astype("float32") else: ncd = nc.Dataset(filename, "w", format="NETCDF4") complex64_t = ncd.createCompoundType(complex64,"complex64") t0 = 0 t1 = ntimes lat = ncd.createDimension("lat", nlats) lon = ncd.createDimension("lon", nlons) lev = ncd.createDimension("lev", nlevs) levp= ncd.createDimension("levp", nlevs+1) ttime = ncd.createDimension("time",None) #cmplx = ncd.createDimension("complex",2) fourier = ncd.createDimension("fourier",nlons//2) sphmods = ncd.createDimension("modes",nmodes) latitudes = ncd.createVariable("lat", "f4",("lat", ),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) longitudes = ncd.createVariable("lon", "f4",("lon", ),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) levels = ncd.createVariable("lev", "f4",("lev", ),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) hlevels = ncd.createVariable("levp","f4",("levp",),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) times = ncd.createVariable("time","f4",("time",),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) #complexn = ncd.createVariable("complex",complex64_t,("complex",), #zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) fourierc = ncd.createVariable("fharmonic","f4",("fourier",),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) spharmonics = ncd.createVariable("modes","f4",("modes",),zlib=True,least_significant_digit=6) ncd.set_auto_mask(False) latitudes.set_auto_mask(False) longitudes.set_auto_mask(False) levels.set_auto_mask(False) hlevels.set_auto_mask(False) times.set_auto_mask(False) #complexn.set_auto_mask(False) fourierc.set_auto_mask(False) spharmonics.set_auto_mask(False) latitudes.units = latitude[1][2] longitudes.units = longitude[1][2] levels.units = level[1][2] hlevels.units = levelp[1][2] times.units = timestamp[1][2] #complexn.units = "n/a" fourierc.units = "n/a" spharmonics.units= "n/a" latitudes[:] = np.array( latitude[0]).astype("float32") longitudes[:] = np.array(longitude[0]).astype("float32") levels[:] = np.array( level[0]).astype("float32") hlevels[:] = np.array( levelp[0]).astype("float32") times[:] = np.array(timestamp[0]).astype("float32") #complexn[0]["real"] = 1.0; complexn[0]["imag"] = 0.0 #complexn[0]["real"] = 0.0; complexn[0]["imag"] = 1.0 fourierc[:] = np.arange(nlons//2,dtype='float32') specmodes = np.zeros(nmodes) w=0 for m in range(ntru+1): for n in range(m,ntru+1): specmodes[w ] = n w+=1 spharmonics[:] = np.array(specmodes).astype('float32') longitudes.axis = 'X' fourierc.axis = 'X' spharmonics.axis = 'X' latitudes.axis = 'Y' levels.axis = 'Z' hlevels.axis = 'Z' latitudes.standard_name = latitude[1][1] longitudes.standard_name= longitude[1][1] levels.standard_name = level[1][1] hlevels.standard_name = levelp[1][1] #complexn.standard_name = "complex_plane" fourierc.standard_name = "fourier_coefficients" spharmonics.standard_name = "spherical_real_modes" times.standard_name = timestamp[1][1] latitudes.long_name = latitude[1][1] longitudes.long_name= longitude[1][1] levels.long_name = "sigma at layer midpoints" hlevels.long_name = "sigma at layer interfaces" #complexn.long_name = "complex coefficients" fourierc.long_name = "Fourier coefficients" spharmonics.long_name = "Spherical harmonic real global modes" times.long_name = timestamp[1][1] levels.positive = "down" hlevels.positive = "down" keyvars = list(rdataset.keys()) keyvars.remove("time") keyvars.remove("lat" ) keyvars.remove("lon" ) keyvars.remove("lev" ) keyvars.remove("levp") for key in keyvars: datavar,meta = rdataset[key] try: dims = meta[4] except: _log(logfile,meta) raise shape = datavar.shape if "complex" in dims: #Complex dtype dims = dims[:-1] if not append: dvarmask = datavar[np.isfinite(datavar)] dvarmask = dvarmask[dvarmask!=0] if len(dvarmask)==0: lsd = None else: lsd = max(int(round(abs(np.log10(abs(dvarmask).min()))+0.5))+6,6) #get decimal place of smallest value if abs(dvarmask).min()>=1.0: lsd=6 _log(logfile,"%s Decimal precision: "%key+str(lsd)) try: variable = ncd.createVariable(key,complex64_t,dims,zlib=True, least_significant_digit=lsd) except: _log(logfile,meta) raise variable.set_auto_mask(False) else: variable = ncd.variables[key] data = np.empty(shape[:-1],complex64) data["real"] = datavar[...,0]; data["imag"] = datavar[...,1] variable[t0:t1,...] = data else: if not append: dvarmask = datavar[np.isfinite(datavar)] dvarmask = dvarmask[dvarmask!=0] if len(dvarmask)==0: lsd = None else: lsd = max(int(round(abs(np.log10(abs(dvarmask).min()))+0.5))+6,6) #get decimal place of smallest value if abs(dvarmask).min()>=1.0: lsd=6 _log(logfile,"%s Decimal precision: "%key+str(lsd)) try: variable = ncd.createVariable(key,"f4",dims,zlib=True,least_significant_digit=lsd) except: _log(logfile,meta) raise variable.set_auto_mask(False) try: variable[:] = datavar[:] except: _log(logfile,dims,variable.shape,datavar.shape) _log(logfile,meta) raise else: variable = ncd.variables[key] variable[t0:t1,...] = datavar[:] if not append: variable.units = meta[2] variable.standard_name = meta[1] variable.long_name = meta[1] variable.units = meta[2] variable.code = meta[3] if "fourier" not in dims and "modes" not in dims: variable.grid_type = "gaussian" _log(logfile,"Packing %8s in %s\t....... %d timestamps"%(key,filename,ntimes)) ncd.sync() return ncd
[docs] def npsavez(rdataset,filename="most_output.npz",logfile=None): '''Write a dataset to a NumPy compressed .npz file. Two output files will be created: filename as specified (e.g. most_output.npz), which contains the data variables, and a metadata file (e.g. most_output_metadata.npz), which contains the metadata headers associated with each variable. Parameters ---------- rdataset : dict A dictionary of outputs as generated from :py:func:`pyburn.dataset()<exoplasim.pyburn.dataset>` filename : str, optional Path to the output file that should be written. logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- tuple A 2-item tuple containing (variables, meta), each of which is a dictionary with variable names as keys. ''' variables = {} meta = {} variables["lat" ] = rdataset["lat" ][0] variables["lon" ] = rdataset["lon" ][0] variables["lev" ] = rdataset["lev" ][0] variables["levp"] = rdataset["levp"][0] variables["time"] = rdataset["time"][0] meta["lat" ] = rdataset["lat" ][1] meta["lon" ] = rdataset["lon" ][1] meta["lev" ] = rdataset["lev" ][1] meta["levp"] = rdataset["levp"][1] meta["time"] = rdataset["time"][1] keyvars = list(rdataset.keys()) keyvars.remove("lat" ) keyvars.remove('lon' ) keyvars.remove("lev" ) keyvars.remove("levp") keyvars.remove("time") for key in keyvars: variables[key] = rdataset[key][0].astype("float32") vmeta = rdataset[key][1] for n in range(len(vmeta)): if type(vmeta[n])==tuple or type(vmeta[n])==list: vmeta[n] = '/'.join(vmeta[n]) meta[key] = rdataset[key][1] _log(logfile,"Packing %8s in %s\t....... %d timestamps"%(key,filename,rdataset[key][0].shape[0])) metafilename = filename[:-4]+"_metadata.npz" np.savez_compressed(metafilename,**meta) np.savez_compressed(filename,**variables) return (variables,meta)
def _writecsvs(filename,variables,meta,extension=None,logfile=None): '''Write CSV output files Files are placed in a subdirectory named from the filename naming pattern (stripping off the extension). Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename pattern variables : dict Dictionary of variable data arrays meta : dict Dictionary of metadata fields for associated variables extension : str, optional File extension to use for individual files logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- list, str List of paths to output files, and the containing directory. ''' idx = filename[::-1].find(".")+1 #Index of last period separator (negative) dirname = filename[:-idx] if dirname[-4:]==".tar": dirname = dirname[:-4] idx+=4 if extension is None: extension = filename[-idx:] fname = dirname if "/" in dirname: fname = dirname.split("/")[-1] os.system("mkdir %s"%dirname) #Create a subdirectory that just omits the file extension files = [] dimvars = ["lat","lon","lev","levp","time"] keyvars = list(variables.keys()) for var in dimvars: outname = "%s/%s_%s%s"%(dirname,fname,var,extension) np.savetxt(outname,variables[var].astype("float32"), header=(str(len(variables[var]))+",|||," +','.join(meta[var])),delimiter=',') keyvars.remove(var) files.append(outname) maxlen = 0 for var in keyvars: maxlen = max(maxlen,len("%s/%s_%s%s"%(dirname,fname,var,extension))) maxlen+=1 for var in keyvars: #This creates e.g. most_output/most_output_ts.csv if filename was most_output.csv shape = variables[var].shape dim2 = shape[-1] dim1 = int([:-1])) var2d = np.reshape(variables[var],(dim1,dim2)) #np.savetxt can only handle 2 dimensions outname = "%s/%s_%s%s"%(dirname,fname,var,extension) try: np.savetxt(outname,var2d.astype("float32"), header=(','.join(np.array(shape).astype(str))+",|||," +','.join(meta[var][:-1])+",".join(meta[var][-1])),delimiter=',') except: print(",".join(np.array(shape).astype(str))) print(",|||,") print(meta[var]) print(','.join(meta[var])) print(','.join(np.array(shape).astype(str))+",|||," +','.join(meta[var])) raise #The original shape of the array to which it should be reshaped on unpacking is in the header, #with the actual metadata separated from the shape by '|||' files.append(outname) try: writeline = "Writing %8s to %"+str(maxlen)+"s\t....... %d timestamps" _log(logfile,writeline%(var,outname,variables[var].shape[0])) except: _log(logfile,"Writing %8s to %s"%(var,filename)) return files,dirname+"/"
[docs] def csv(rdataset,filename="most_output.tar.gz",logfile=None,extracompression=False): '''Write a dataset to CSV/TXT-type output, optionally compressed. If a tarball format (e.g. \*.tar or \*.tar.gz) is used, output files will be packed into a tarball. gzip (.gz), bzip2 (.bz2), and lzma (.xz) compression types are supported. If a tarball format is not used, then accepted file extensions are .csv, .txt, or .gz. All three will produce a directory named following the filename pattern, with one file per variable in the directory. If the .gz extension is used, NumPy will compress each output file using gzip compression. Files will only contain 2D variable information, so the first N-1 dimensions will be flattened. The original variable shape is included in the file header (prepended with a # character) as the first items in a comma-separated list, with the first non-dimension item given as the '|||' placeholder. On reading variables from these files, they should be reshaped according to these dimensions. This is true even in tarballs (which contain CSV files). Parameters ---------- rdataset : dict A dictionary of outputs as generated from :py:func:`pyburn.dataset()<exoplasim.pyburn.dataset>` filename : str, optional Path to the output file that should be written. This will be parsed to determine output type. logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. extracompression : bool, optional If True, then component files in tarball outputs will be compressed individually with gzip, instead of being plain-text CSV files. Returns ------- tuple or str If non-tarball output was used, a tuple containing a list of paths to output files, and a string giving the name of the output directory. If tarball output was used, a relative path to the tarball. ''' variables = {} meta = {} for key in rdataset: variables[key] = rdataset[key][0] meta[key] = rdataset[key][1] fileparts = filename.split('.') if fileparts[-2]=="tar": #We will be doing compression import tarfile ext = ".csv" if extracompression: ext = ".gz" files,dirname = _writecsvs(filename,variables,meta,extension=ext,logfile=logfile) namelen = len(filename) with,"w:%s"%fileparts[-1]) as tarball: maxlen = 0 for tfile in files: maxlen = max(maxlen,len(tfile)) for var in files: varname = var if len(varname.split("/"))>2: varname = "/".join(varname.split("/")[-2:]) tarball.add(var,arcname=varname) writeline = "Packing %"+str(maxlen)+"s in %"+str(namelen)+"s" try: _log(logfile,(writeline+" ....... %d timestamps")%(var,filename, rdataset[var][0].shape[0])) except: _log(logfile,writeline%(var,filename)) os.system("rm -rf %s"%dirname) return filename elif fileparts[-1]=="tar": #We're still making a tarball, but it won't be compressed import tarfile ext = ".csv" if extracompression: ext = ".gz" files,dirname = _writecsvs(filename,variables,meta,extension=ext,logfile=logfile) namelen = len(filename) with,"w") as tarball: maxlen = 0 for tfile in files: maxlen = max(maxlen,len(tfile)) for var in files: tarball.add(var) writeline = "Packing %"+str(maxlen)+"s in %"+str(namelen)+"s" try: _log(logfile,(writeline+"\t....... %d timestamps")%(var,filename, rdataset[var][0].shape[0])) except: _log(logfile,writeline%(var,filename)) os.system("rm -rf %s"%dirname) return filename else: #Just a collection of CSV/TXT-type files in a subdirectory, which may be individually-compressed. #These files can have .txt, .csv, or .gz file extensions. files,dirname = _writecsvs(filename,variables,meta,logfile=logfile) return files,dirname
[docs] def hdf5(rdataset,filename="most_output.hdf5",append=False,logfile=None): '''Write a dataset to HDF5 output. Note: HDF5 files are opened in append mode. This means that this format can be used to create a single output dataset for an entire simulation. HDF5 files here are generated with gzip compression at level 9, with chunk rearrangement and Fletcher32 checksum data protection. Parameters ---------- rdataset : dict A dictionary of outputs as generated from :py:func:`pyburn.dataset()<exoplasim.pyburn.dataset>` filename : str, optional Path to the output file that should be written. append : bool, optional Whether or not the file should be opened in append mode, or overwritten (default). logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. Returns ------- object An HDF5 object corresponding to the file that has been written. ''' import h5py mode = "w" if append: mode = "a" hdfile = h5py.File(filename,mode) latitude = rdataset["lat" ] longitude = rdataset["lon" ] level = rdataset["lev" ] levelp = rdataset["levp"] time = rdataset["time"] keyvars = list(rdataset.keys()) keyvars.remove("lat" ) keyvars.remove("lon" ) keyvars.remove("lev" ) keyvars.remove("levp") keyvars.remove("time") #We only add lat, lon, and lev once to the file, so we do it here if the file appears to be new if "lat" not in hdfile: hdfile.create_dataset("lat",data=latitude[0].astype('float32'),compression='gzip', compression_opts=9,shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) hdfile.attrs["lat"] = np.array(latitude[1]).astype('S') #Store metadata if "lon" not in hdfile: hdfile.create_dataset("lon",data=longitude[0].astype('float32'),compression='gzip', compression_opts=9,shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) hdfile.attrs["lon"] = np.array(longitude[1]).astype('S') #Store metadata if "lev" not in hdfile: hdfile.create_dataset("lev",data=level[0].astype('float32'),compression='gzip', compression_opts=9,shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) hdfile.attrs["lev"] = np.array(level[1]).astype('S') #Store metadata if "levp" not in hdfile: hdfile.create_dataset("levp",data=levelp[0].astype('float32'),compression='gzip', compression_opts=9,shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) hdfile.attrs["levp"] = np.array(levelp[1]).astype('S') #Store metadata if "time" not in hdfile: hdfile.create_dataset("time",data=time[0].astype('float32'),compression='gzip', maxshape=(len(time[0]),),compression_opts=9, shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) hdfile.attrs["time"] = np.array(time[1]).astype('S') #Store metadata else: hdfile["time"].resize((hdfile["time"].shape[0]+len(time[0])),axis=0) hdfile["time"][-len(time[0]):] = time[0].astype("float32'") for var in keyvars: if var not in hdfile: maxshape = [None,] for dim in rdataset[var][0].shape[1:]: maxshape.append(dim) maxshape=tuple(maxshape) hdfile.create_dataset(var,data=rdataset[var][0].astype("float32"),compression="gzip", maxshape=maxshape,compression_opts=9,shuffle=True,fletcher32=True) #_log(logfile,rdataset[var][1]) #_log(logfile,np.array(rdataset[var][1]).astype('S')) meta = rdataset[var][1] meta[-1] = ','.join(meta[-1]) try: hdfile.attrs[var] = np.array(meta).astype('S') #Store metadata except: _log(logfile,meta) else: hdfile[var].resize((hdfile[var].shape[0]+rdataset[var][0].shape[0]),axis=0) #Expand file hdfile[var][-rdataset[var][0].shape[0]:] = rdataset[var][0].astype("float32") #Append _log(logfile,"Packing %8s in %s\t....... %d timestamps"%(var,filename,rdataset[var][0].shape[0])) return hdfile
[docs] def postprocess(rawfile,outfile,logfile=None,namelist=None,variables=None,mode='grid', zonal=False, substellarlon=180.0, physfilter=False,timeaverage=True,stdev=False, times=12,interpolatetimes=True,radius=1.0,gravity=9.80665,gascon=287.0,mars=False): '''Convert a raw output file into a postprocessed formatted file. Output format is determined by the file extension of outfile. Current supported formats are NetCDF (\*.nc), HDF5 (\*.hdf5, \*.he5, \*.h5), numpy's ``np.savez_compressed`` format (\*.npz), and CSV format. If NumPy's single-array .npy extension is used, .npz will be substituted--this is a compressed ZIP archive containing .npy files. Additionally, the CSV output format can be used in compressed form either individually by using the .gz file extension, or collectively via tarballs (compressed or uncompressed). If a tarball format (e.g. \*.tar or \*.tar.gz) is used, output files will be packed into a tarball. gzip (.gz), bzip2 (.bz2), and lzma (.xz) compression types are supported. If a tarball format is not used, then accepted file extensions are .csv, .txt, or .gz. All three will produce a directory named following the filename pattern, with one file per variable in the directory. If the .gz extension is used, NumPy will compress each output file using gzip compression. CSV-type files will only contain 2D variable information, so the first N-1 dimensions will be flattened. The original variable shape is included in the file header (prepended with a # character) as the first items in a comma-separated list, with the first non-dimension item given as the '|||' placeholder. On reading variables from these files, they should be reshaped according to these dimensions. This is true even in tarballs (which contain CSV files). A T21 model output with 10 vertical levels, 12 output times, all supported variables in grid mode,and no standard deviation computation will have the following sizes for each format: +----------------+-----------+ |Format | Size | +================+===========+ |netCDF | 12.8 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |HDF5 | 17.2 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |NumPy (default) | 19.3 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |tar.xz | 33.6 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |tar.bz2 | 36.8 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |gzipped | 45.9 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ |uncompressed | 160.2 MiB | +----------------+-----------+ Using the NetCDF (.nc) format requires the netCDF4 python package. Using the HDF5 format (.h5, .hdf5, .he5) requires the h5py python package. Parameters ---------- rawfile : str Path to the raw output file outfile : str Path to the destination output file. The file extension determines the format. Currently, netCDF (\*.nc). numpy compressed (\*.npz), HDF5 (\*.hdf5, \*.he5, \*.h5), or CSV-type (\*.csv, \*.txt, \*.gz, \*.tar, \*.tar.gz, \*.tar.bz2, \*.tar.xz) are supported. If a format (such as npz) that requires that metadata be placed in a separate file is chosen, a second file with a '_metadata' suffix will be created. append : bool, optional If True, and outfile already exists, then append to outfile rather than overwriting it. Currently only supported for netCDF and HDF5 formats. Support for other formats coming soon. logfile : str or None, optional If None, log diagnostics will get printed to standard output. Otherwise, the log file to which diagnostic output should be written. namelist : str, optional Path to a burn7 postprocessor namelist file. If not given, then ``variables`` must be set. variables : list or dict, optional If a list is given, a list of either variable keycodes (integers or strings), or the abbreviated variable name (e.g. 'ts' for surface temperature). If a dict is given, each item in the dictionary should have the keycode or variable name as the key, and the desired horizontal mode and additional options for that variable as a sub-dict. Each member of the subdict should be passable as **kwargs to :py:func:`advancedDataset() <exoplasim.pyburn.advancedDataset>`. If None, then ``namelist`` must be set. mode : str, optional Horizontal output mode, if modes are not specified for individual variables. Options are 'grid', meaning the Gaussian latitude-longitude grid used in ExoPlaSim, 'spectral', meaning spherical harmonics, 'fourier', meaning Fourier coefficients and latitudes, 'synchronous', meaning a Gaussian latitude-longitude grid in the synchronous coordinate system defined in Paradise, et al (2021), with the north pole centered on the substellar point, or 'syncfourier', meaning Fourier coefficients computed along the dipolar meridians in the synchronous coordinate system (e.g. the substellar-antistellar-polar meridian, which is 0 degrees, or the substellar-evening-antistellar-morning equatorial meridian, which is 90 degrees). Because this will get assigned to the original latitude array, that will become -90 degrees for the polar meridian, and 0 degrees for the equatorial meridian, identical to the typical equatorial coordinate system. zonal : bool, optional Whether zonal means should be computed for applicable variables. substellarlon : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point. Only relevant if a synchronous coordinate output mode is chosen. physfilter : bool, optional Whether or not a physics filter should be used in spectral transforms. times : int or array-like or None, optional Either the number of timestamps by which to divide the output, or a list of times given as a fraction of the output file duration (which enables e.g. a higher frequency of outputs during periapse of an eccentric orbit, when insolation is changing more rapidly). If None, the timestamps in the raw output will be written directly to file. timeaverage : bool, optional Whether or not timestamps in the output file should be averaged to produce the requested number of output timestamps. Timestamps for averaged outputs will correspond to the middle of the averaged time period. stdev : bool, optional Whether or not standard deviations should be computed. If timeaverage is True, this will be the standard deviation over the averaged time period; if False, then it will be the standard deviation over the whole duration of the output file interpolatetimes : bool, optional If true, then if the times requested don't correspond to existing timestamps, outputs will be linearly interpolated to those times. If false, then nearest-neighbor interpolation will be used. radius : float, optional Planet radius in Earth radii gravity : float, optional Surface gravity in m/s^2. gascon : float, optional Specific gas constant for dry gas (R$_d$) in J/kg/K. mars : bool, optional If True, use Mars constants ''' #Check output format legality fileparts = outfile.split('.') if fileparts[-1] == "nc": pass #OK elif fileparts[-1] == "npz" or fileparts[-1] == "npy": pass #OK elif (fileparts[-1] in ("csv","txt","gz","tar") or \ (fileparts[-2]+"."+fileparts[-1]) in ("tar.gz","tar.bz2","tar.xz")): pass #OK elif fileparts[-1] in ("hdf5","h5","he5"): pass #OK else: raise Exception("Unsupported output format detected. Supported formats are:\n\t\n\t%s"%("\n\t".join(SUPPORTED))) _log(logfile,"==================================") _log(logfile,"| PYBURN EXOPLASIM POSTPROCESSOR |") _log(logfile,"| v1.0, Adiv Paradise (C) 2021 |") _log(logfile,"==================================") _log(logfile,"\n") _log(logfile,("--------" +"-"*len(rawfile) + "----")) _log(logfile,("Reading %"+"%d"%len(rawfile)+"s ...")%rawfile) _log(logfile,("--------" +"-"*len(rawfile) + "----")) _log(logfile,"\n") if namelist is None: if variables is None: variables = list(ilibrary.keys()) if mars: radius = MARS_RADIUS/6371220.0 gascon = MARS_RD gravity = MARS_GRAV if type(variables)==tuple or type(variables)==list: data = dataset(rawfile, variables, mode=mode,radius=radius,gravity=gravity,gascon=gascon, zonal=zonal, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,logfile=logfile) elif type(variables)==dict: #for advancedDataset data = advancedDataset(rawfile, variables, mode=mode,radius=radius,gravity=gravity, gascon=gascon, zonal=zonal, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter, logfile=logfile) else: #Scrape namelist variables=None with open(namelist,"r") as fname: fnamelist ='\n') for line in fnamelist: parts = line.split('=') if len(parts)>1: key = parts[0] arg = parts[1] if key=="code" or key=="CODE": variables = arg.split(',') elif key=="htype" or key=="HYTPE": if arg=="g" or arg=="G": mode="grid" elif arg=="z" or arg=="Z": mode="grid" zonal=True elif arg=="s" or arg=="S": mode="spectral" elif arg=="f" or arg=="F": mode="fourier" elif key=="mean" or key=="MEAN": if int(arg)==0: timeaverage=False stdev = False elif int(arg)==1: timeaverage=True stdev = False elif int(arg)==2: stdev = True elif int(arg)==3: timeaverage=True stdev = True elif key=="radius" or key=="RADIUS": radius = float(arg)/6371220.0 #Radii in the namelist are given in metres elif key=="gravity" or key=="GRAVITY": gravity = float(arg) elif (key=="mars" or key=="MARS") and int(arg)==1: gravity = MARS_GRAV radius = MARS_RADIUS/6371220.0 #We want to start off with radii in Earth radii gascon = MARS_RD #This is called RD in burn7, not gascon data = dataset(rawfile, variables, mode=mode,radius=radius,gravity=gravity,gascon=gascon, zonal=zonal, substellarlon=substellarlon, physfilter=physfilter,logfile=logfile) # Compute time averages, binning, stdev, etc dtimes = data["time"][0] ntimes = len(dtimes) if times is None: times = ntimes if type(times)==int: #A number of time outputs was specified times = max(times,1) if ntimes==times: #The number of outputs exactly equals the number provided timeaverage = False #This way stdev still gets computed, but over the whole file. else: if timeaverage: _log(logfile,"\nComputing averages, going from %d timestamps to %d ..."%(ntimes,times)) if times>ntimes and interpolatetimes: _log(logfile, "Interpolating by a factor of 10 to compute averages at super-resolution....") ttimes = np.linspace(dtimes[0],dtimes[-1],num=10*ntimes) indices = np.digitize(np.linspace(dtimes[0],dtimes[-1],num=times+1),ttimes)-1 indices[-1] = len(ttimes) counts = np.diff(indices) newtimes = np.linspace(dtimes[0],dtimes[-1],num=times+1) newtimes = 0.5*(newtimes[:-1]+newtimes[1:]) varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") if stdev: _log(logfile,"Computing standard deviations ....") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,odata,axis=0,kind='linear') tempdata = interpfunc(ttimes) newshape = list(odata.shape) newshape[0] = times newshape = tuple(newshape) newcounts = np.transpose(np.resize(counts,newshape[::-1])) data[var][0] = np.add.reduceat(tempdata,indices[:-1],axis=0)/ newcounts if stdev: #Compute standard deviation stdvar = np.zeros(data[var][0].shape) for nt in range(stdvar.shape[0]): stdvar[nt,...] = np.std(tempdata[indices[nt]:indices[nt+1]],axis=0) stdmeta = list(data[var][1][:]) stdmeta[0]+="_std" stdmeta[1]+="_standard_deviation" data[var+"_std"] = (stdvar,stdmeta) else: indices = np.linspace(0,ntimes,times+1,True).astype(int) counts = np.diff(indices) varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") newtimes = np.add.reduceat(dtimes,indices[:-1]) / counts if stdev: _log(logfile,"Computing standard deviations ....") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] newshape = list(odata.shape) newshape[0] = times newshape = tuple(newshape) newcounts = np.transpose(np.resize(counts,newshape[::-1])) data[var][0] = np.add.reduceat(odata,indices[:-1],axis=0) / newcounts if stdev: #Compute standard deviation stdvar = np.zeros(data[var][0].shape) for nt in range(stdvar.shape[0]): stdvar[nt,...] = np.std(odata[indices[nt]:indices[nt+1]],axis=0) stdmeta = list(data[var][1][:]) stdmeta[0]+="_std" stdmeta[1]+="_standard_deviation" data[var+"_std"] = (stdvar,stdmeta) data["time"][0] = newtimes else: if interpolatetimes: interpolation = "linear" _log(logfile,"\nInterpolating from %d timestamps to %d ..."%(ntimes,times)) else: interpolation = "nearest" _log(logfile,"\nSelecting %d timestamps from %d ..."%(times,ntimes)) newtimes = np.linspace(dtimes[0],dtimes[-1],num=times) #We can't extrapolate; only interpolate varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,odata,axis=0,kind=interpolation) data[var][0] = interpfunc(newtimes) if not interpolatetimes: interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,dtimes,kind="nearest") data["time"][0] = interpfunc(newtimes) else: data["time"][0] = newtimes else: #A list of times was specified if timeaverage: #times values are assumed to be bin edges _log(logfile,"\nComputing averages, going from %d timestamps to %d ..."%(ntimes,len(times)-1)) if not interpolatetimes: #We will always round down to the nearest neighbor _log(logfile, "Interpolation disabled, so bin edges are being selected via nearest-neighbor.") indices = np.digitize(np.array(times)*(dtimes[-1]-dtimes[0])+dtimes[0],dtimes)-1 counts = np.diff(indices) varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") newtimes = np.add.reduceat(dtimes,indices[:-1]) / counts if stdev: _log(logfile,"Computing standard deviations ....") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] newshape = list(odata.shape) newshape[0] = len(times)-1 newshape = tuple(newshape) newcounts = np.transpose(np.resize(counts,newshape[::-1])) data[var][0] = np.add.reduceat(odata,indices[:-1],axis=0) / newcounts if stdev: #Compute standard deviation stdvar = np.zeros(data[var][0].shape) for nt in range(stdvar.shape[0]): stdvar[nt,...] = np.std(odata[indices[nt]:indices[nt+1]],axis=0) stdmeta = list(data[var][1][:]) stdmeta[0]+="_std" stdmeta[1]+="_standard_deviation" data[var+"_std"] = (stdvar,stdmeta) data["time"][0] = newtimes else: #First we'll interpolate to high time resolution, then compute average via binning _log(logfile,"Interpolating to find bin edges....") ttimes = np.linspace(dtimes[0],dtimes[-1],num=10*ntimes) indices = np.digitize(np.array(times)*(dtimes[-1]-dtimes[0])+dtimes[0],ttimes)-1 counts = np.diff(indices) varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") if stdev: _log(logfile,"Computing standard deviations ....") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,odata,axis=0,kind='linear') tempdata = interpfunc(ttimes) newshape = list(odata.shape) newshape[0] = len(times)-1 newshape = tuple(newshape) newcounts = np.transpose(np.resize(counts,newshape[::-1])) data[var][0] = np.add.reduceat(tempdata,indices[:-1],axis=0)/ newcounts if stdev: #Compute standard deviation stdvar = np.zeros(data[var][0].shape) for nt in range(stdvar.shape[0]): stdvar[nt,...] = np.std(tempdata[indices[nt]:indices[nt+1]],axis=0) stdmeta = list(data[var][1][:]) stdmeta[0]+="_std" stdmeta[1]+="_standard_deviation" data[var+"_std"] = (stdvar,stdmeta) newtimes = np.array(times) newtimes = 0.5*(newtimes[:-1]+newtimes[1:])*dtimes[-1] data["time"][0] = newtimes else: newtimes = np.array(times)*(dtimes[-1]-dtimes[0])+dtimes[0] #Convert to timestamps if interpolatetimes: interpolation = "linear" _log(logfile,"\nInterpolating from %d timestamps to %d ..."%(ntimes,len(times))) else: interpolation = "nearest" _log(logfile,"\nSelecting %d timestamps from %d ..."%(len(times),ntimes)) varkeys = list(data.keys()) varkeys.remove("time") varkeys.remove("lat") varkeys.remove("lon") varkeys.remove("lev") varkeys.remove("levp") for var in varkeys: odata = data[var][0][:] interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,odata,axis=0,kind=interpolation) data[var][0] = interpfunc(newtimes) if not interpolatetimes: interpfunc = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(dtimes,dtimes,kind="nearest") data["time"][0] = interpfunc(newtimes) else: data["time"][0] = newtimes #Standard deviation if timeaverage is False if not timeaverage and stdev: _log(logfile,"\nComputing standard deviations ....") for var in varkeys: stdvar = np.std(data[var],axis=0) stdmeta = list(data[var][1][:]) stdmeta[0]+="_std" stdmeta[1]+="_standard_deviation" data[var+"_std"] = (stdvar,stdmeta) # Write to output _log(logfile,"\n") _log(logfile,("--------" +"-"*len(outfile) + "----")) _log(logfile,("Writing %"+"%d"%len(outfile)+"s ...")%outfile) _log(logfile,("--------" +"-"*len(outfile) + "----")) _log(logfile,"\n") fileparts = outfile.split('.') if fileparts[-1] == "nc": output=netcdf(data,filename=outfile,logfile=logfile) output.close() elif fileparts[-1] == "npz" or fileparts[-1] == "npy": output=npsavez(data,filename=outfile,logfile=logfile) elif (fileparts[-1] in ("csv","txt","gz","tar") or \ (fileparts[-2]+"."+fileparts[-1]) in ("tar.gz","tar.bz2","tar.xz")): output=csv(data,filename=outfile,logfile=logfile) elif fileparts[-1] in ("hdf5","h5","he5"): output=hdf5(data,filename=outfile,logfile=logfile) output.close() else: raise Exception("Unsupported output format detected. Supported formats are:\n\t\n\t%s"%("\n\t".join(SUPPORTED))) _log(logfile,"\n") _log(logfile,"%s closed."%outfile) _log(logfile,"\n") _log(logfile,"================================") _log(logfile,"| PYBURN FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY |") _log(logfile,"================================")
[docs] def f2py_compile(source, modulename='untitled', extra_args='', verbose=True, source_fn=None, extension='.f', full_output=False ): """ Build extension module from a Fortran 77 source string with f2py. Parameters This function used to exist in numpy prior to 2.0. It is reimplemented here. ---------- source : str or bytes Fortran source of module / subroutine to compile .. versionchanged:: 1.16.0 Accept str as well as bytes modulename : str, optional The name of the compiled python module extra_args : str or list, optional Additional parameters passed to f2py .. versionchanged:: 1.16.0 A list of args may also be provided. verbose : bool, optional Print f2py output to screen source_fn : str, optional Name of the file where the fortran source is written. The default is to use a temporary file with the extension provided by the ``extension`` parameter extension : ``{'.f', '.f90'}``, optional Filename extension if `source_fn` is not provided. The extension tells which fortran standard is used. The default is ``.f``, which implies F77 standard. .. versionadded:: 1.11.0 full_output : bool, optional If True, return a `subprocess.CompletedProcess` containing the stdout and stderr of the compile process, instead of just the status code. .. versionadded:: 1.20.0 Returns ------- result : int or `subprocess.CompletedProcess` 0 on success, or a `subprocess.CompletedProcess` if ``full_output=True`` Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../source/f2py/code/results/compile_session.dat :language: python """ import tempfile import shlex import subprocess if source_fn is None: f, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=extension) # f is a file descriptor so need to close it # carefully -- not with .close() directly os.close(f) else: fname = source_fn if not isinstance(source, str): source = str(source, 'utf-8') try: with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(source) args = ['-c', '-m', modulename,] if isinstance(extra_args, str): is_posix = ( == 'posix') extra_args = shlex.split(extra_args, posix=is_posix) args.extend(extra_args) c = [sys.executable, '-c', 'import numpy.f2py as f2py2e;f2py2e.main()'] + args try: cp =, capture_output=True) except OSError: # preserve historic status code used by exec_command() cp = subprocess.CompletedProcess(c, 127, stdout=b'', stderr=b'') else: if verbose: print(cp.stdout.decode()) finally: if source_fn is None: os.remove(fname) if full_output: return cp else: return cp.returncode