Source code for exoplasim.gcmt

import numpy as np
import exoplasim.filesupport
from exoplasim.filesupport import SUPPORTED
import os, glob

class _Constants:
    def __init__(self):
        '''Container for constants in SI units
        Constants contained:
        h : Planck's constant
        c : Speed of light
        kb : Boltzmann constant
        sb : Stefan-Boltzmann constant
        R : ideal gas constant
        pc : 1 parsec
        ly : 1 light-year
        AU : 1 astronomical unit 
        Rsun : solar radius
        Rearth : Earth radius (by default the equatorial radius)
        Rjup : Jupiter radius (by default the equatorial radius)
        Rearth_* : Earth radii of various types. Polar (_po), equatorial (_eq),
            arithmetic mean (_av), authalic (_auth), volumetric (_vol),
            and rectifying (_rec) radii are all available.
        Rjup_* : Jupiter radii of various types. Polar (_po), equatorial (_eq),
            and arithmetic mean (_av) are available.
        Msun : Solar mass
        Mearth: Earth mass
        Mjup: Jupiter mass
        self.h           = 6.62607004e-34          #Planck's constant
        self.c           = 2.99792458e8            #Speed of light
        self.kb          = 1.38064852e-23          #Boltzmann constant          = 5.670374419e-8          #Stefan-Boltzmann constant
        self.Rearth_eq   = 6.3781e6                #Earth equatorial radius
        self.Rsun        = 6.957e8                 #Radius of the sun (IAU)
        self.Rearth_po   = 6.3568e6                #Earth polar radius
        self.Rearth_av   = 6.3710088e6             #Earth arithmetic mean radius
        self.Rearth_auth = 6.3710072e6             #Earth authalic radius (same area as reference ellipsoid)
        self.Rearth_vol  = 6.3710008e6             #Earth volumetric radius (same volume as reference ellipsoid)
        self.Rearth_rec  = 6.367445e6              #Earth rectifying radius (same polar cross section perimeter)
        self.Rjup_eq     = 7.1492e7                #Jupiter equatorial radius
        self.Rjup_po     = 6.6854e7                #Jupiter polar radius
        self.Rjup_av     = 6.9911e7                #Jupiter arithmetic mean radius
        self.Rearth      = self.Rearth_eq      
        self.Rjup        = self.Rjup_eq          
        self.Msun        = 1.98847e30              #Solar mass in kg
        self.Mearth      = 5.9722e24               #Earth mass in kg 
        self.Mjup        = 1.8982e27               #Jupiter mass in kg
        self.AU          = 1.49597870691e11        #1 AU in meters          = 9.460730472580800e15    #1 light-year in meters
        self.pc          = 6.48000e5/np.pi*self.AU #1 parsec in meters
        self.R           = 8.31446261815324        #ideal gas constant
    def __str__(self):
        docstring = ("h (Planck's constant)                : 6.62607004e-34      \n"+  
                     "c (speed of light)                   : 2.99792458e8        \n"+  
                     "kb (Boltzmann constant)              : 1.38064852e-23      \n"+  
                     "sb (Stefan-Boltzmann constant)       : 5.670374419e-8      \n"+  
                     "Rearth_eq (Earth equatorial radius)  : 6.3781e6            \n"+  
                     "Rsun (Solar radius)                  : 6.957e8             \n"+  
                     "Rearth_po (Earth polar radius)       : 6.3568e6            \n"+  
                     "Rearth_av (Earth average radius)     : 6.3710088e6         \n"+  
                     "Rearth_auth (Earth authalic radius)  : 6.3710072e6         \n"+  
                     "Rearth_vol (Earth volumetric radius) : 6.3710008e6         \n"+  
                     "Rearth_rec (Earth rectifying radius) : 6.367445e6          \n"+  
                     "Rjup_eq (Jupiter equatorial radius)  : 7.1492e7            \n"+  
                     "Rjup_po (Jupiter polar radius)       : 6.6854e7            \n"+  
                     "Rjup_av (Jupiter average radius)     : 6.9911e7            \n"+  
                     "Rearth (Earth IAU radius)            : Rearth_eq           \n"+
                     "Rjup (Jupiter IAU radius)            : Rjup_eq             \n"+
                     "Msun (Solar mass)                    : 1.98847e30          \n"+  
                     "Mearth (Earth mass)                  : 5.9722e24           \n"+  
                     "Mjup (Jupiter mass)                  : 1.8982e27           \n"+  
                     "AU (Astronomical Unit)               : 1.49597870691e11    \n"+  
                     "ly (light year)                      : 9.460730472580800e15\n"+  
                     "pc (parsec)                          : 6.48000e5/pi*AU     \n"+
                     "R (ideal gas constant)               : 8.31446261815324")
        return docstring
consts = _Constants()

[docs] def blackbody(wavelengths,temperature): '''Compute the Planck function for a set of wavelengths and a given effective temperature. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : array-like Wavelengths in microns temperature : float Effective temperature in Kelvins Returns ------- array-like Spectral radiance F_lambda(lambda,T) for the provided wavelengths assuming a perfect blackbody. ''' y = wavelengths*1.0e-6 T = temperature bb = 2*consts.h*consts.c**2/y**5 * 1/(np.exp(consts.h*consts.c/(y*consts.kb*T))-1) #W sr-1 m-3 bb *= 1e6 #W sr-1 m-2 um-1 return bb
def _loadnetcdf(filename): import netCDF4 as nc ncd = nc.Dataset(filename,"r") return ncd,ncd.variables def _loadnpsavez(filename): npdata = np.load(filename) return npdata def _loadcsv(filename,buffersize=1): import gzip fileparts = filename.split('.') rdataset = {} metadata = {} openfiles = [] if "tar" in fileparts[-2:]: #We're dealing with a tarball of some kind import tarfile with,"r") as tarball: members = tarball.getnames() tarball.extractall() else: #filename here should be the name of a directory containing only variable csv/txt/gz files #Just a collection of CSV/TXT-type files in a subdirectory, which may be individually-compressed. #These files can have .txt, .csv, or .gz file extensions. members = glob.glob(filename+"/*") dimensions = {} for var in members: #with open(var,"r") as csvf: #data = np.loadtxt(csvf,delimiter=',') if var[-3:]==".gz": #gzipped file with,"rt") as gzf: header = gzf.readline()[1:].split(',') else: with open(var,"r") as txtf: header = txtf.readline()[1:].split(',') dims = [] k=0 while header[k]!="|||": dims.append(int(header[k])) k+=1 k+=1 meta = header[k:] dims = tuple(dims) dimensions[meta[0]] = dims #rdataset[meta[0]] = np.reshape(data,dims) metadata[meta[0]] = {} try: metadata[meta[0]]["standard_name"] = meta[1] except: metadata[meta[0]]["standard_name"] = meta[0] try: metadata[meta[0]]["long_name"] = meta[1] except: metadata[meta[0]]["long_name"] = meta[0] try: metadata[meta[0]]["units"] = meta[2] except: metadata[meta[0]]["units"] = "N/A" try: metadata[meta[0]]["code"] = int(meta[3]) except: metadata[meta[0]]["code"] = -999 openfiles.append(var) if "tar" in fileparts[-2:]: for f in openfiles: os.system("rm -rf %s"%f) os.system("rm -rf %s"%(openfiles[0].split("/")[0])) rdataset = _csvData(filename,shapes=dimensions,buffersize=buffersize) return rdataset,metadata def _loadhdf5(filename): import h5py hdfile = h5py.File(filename,"r") return hdfile class _csvData(dict): '''An iterable dict-like object that supports all native dict methods, but accesses and manages a file archive or directory instead of a dictionary. Parameters ---------- archive : str Either a path to a tarball archive or a directory stem with file extension, e.g. MOST.002.csv shapes : dict, optional Dictionary of tuples giving the shapes of each variable in the archive buffersize : int, optional Number of data arrays to store in memory at a time **kwargs : optional Any additional keyword arguments to pass to the parent `dict` object. These will be accessible via the usual dictionary methods. Returns ------- iterable Supports all dictionary methods ''' def __init__(self,archive,shapes={},buffersize=1,**kwargs): self.archive = archive self.tarball=False self.buffersize=buffersize self.dbuffer = {} self.dbufferkeys = [] self.shapes = shapes if "tar" in archive: self.tarball=True import tarfile with,"r") as tarball: self.files = tarball.getnames() else: self.files = glob.glob(".".join(archive.split(".")[:-1])+"/*") self.variables = [] self.filetree = {} for f in self.files: variable = f.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] self.filetree[variable] = f self.variables.append(variable) idx0 = list(self.filetree.keys())[0] self.filestem = "_".join(self.filetree[idx0].split("_")[:-1]) self.extension = "."+self.filetree[idx0].split(".")[-1] self.permanent = {} dimkeys = ['lat','lon','lev','levp','time',"wvl"] for key in dimkeys: try: self.permanent[key] = self.__getitem__(key,overridebuffer=True) except: pass super(_csvData,self).__init__(**kwargs) for key in self.filetree: super(_csvData,self).__setitem__(key,self.filetree[key]) def __getitem__(self,key,overridebuffer=False): '''Retrieve variable from archive Parameters ---------- key : str Variable name overridebuffer : bool, optional If True, don't store this variable in the buffer (useful for lat, lon, etc) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Variable data ''' if key not in self.filetree: #This must have been passed via **kwargs return super(_csvData,self).__getitem__(key) if key in self.permanent: return self.permanent[key] if key not in self.dbuffer: if self.tarball: import tarfile with,"r") as tarball: tarball.extract(self.filetree[key]) with open(self.filetree[key],"r") as csvf: data = np.loadtxt(csvf,delimiter=',') if key in self.shapes: data = np.reshape(data,self.shapes[key]) os.system("rm -rf %s"%self.filetree[key]) os.system("rm -rf %s"%(self.filetree[key].split("/")[0])) if not overridebuffer: if len(self.dbufferkeys)==self.buffersize: del self.dbuffer[self.dbufferkeys[0]] self.dbufferkeys.remove(self.dbufferkeys[0]) self.dbuffer[key] = data self.dbufferkeys.append(key) else: data = self.dbuffer[key] if not overridebuffer: self.dbufferkeys.remove(key) self.dbufferkeys.append(key) #Move this key to the end so it's the last to be removed. return data def __setitem__(self,key,value): '''Add array to archive Unless the archive is an uncompressed tarfile that doesn't already have the variable `key`, this will extract the archive, delete the original, write a new file, and re-tar Parameters ---------- key : str Variable name value : numpy.ndarray Variable data ''' if key in self.filetree: if self.tarball: import tarfile with,"r") as tarball: members = tarball.getnames() tarball.extractall() os.system("rm -rf "+self.archive) print("Writing %8s to %s"%(key,fname)) np.savetxt(fname,value.astype("float32"), header=(','.join(np.array(value.shape).astype(str))+',|||,' +','.join([key,key,"user","-333"])),delimiter=',') if self.tarball: if "tar.gz" in self.archive or "tar.bz2" in self.archive or "tar.xz" in self.archive: with,"w:%s"%self.archive.split(".")[-1]) as tarball: for var in members: varname = var.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] tarball.add(var,arcname=varname) else: with,"w") as tarball: for var in members: varname = var.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] tarball.add(var,arcname=varname) for var in members: os.system("rm -rf %s"%var) else: fname = lf.filestem+"_"+key+extension self.variables.append(key) self.filetree[key] = fname print("Writing %8s to %s"%(key,fname)) np.savetxt(fname,value.astype("float32"), header=(','.join(np.array(value.shape).astype(str))+',|||,' +','.join([key,key,"user","-333"])),delimiter=',') if self.tarball: import tarfile print("Packing %s in %s"%(fname,self.archive)) if "tar.gz" in self.archive or "tar.bz2" in self.archive or "tar.xz" in self.archive: with,"r") as tarball: members = tarball.getnames() tarball.extractall() os.system("rm -rf "+self.archive) with,"w:%s"%self.archive.split(".")[-1]) as tarball: for var in members: varname = var.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] tarball.add(var,arcname=varname) tarball.add(fname,arcname=key) for var in members: os.system("rm -rf %s"%var) os.system("rm -rf %s"%fname) os.system("rf -rf %s"%(members[0].split("/")[0])) else: with,"a") as tarball: tarball.add(fname,arcname=key) os.system("rm -rf %s"%fname) super(_csvData,self).__setitem__(key,fname) class _Dataset: def __init__(self,filename,csvbuffersize=1): self.body=None fileparts = filename.split('.') if fileparts[-1] == "nc": self.body,self.variables = _loadnetcdf(filename) self.metadata = {} for var in self.variables: self.metadata[var] = {} try: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= self.variables[var].standard_name except: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= var try: self.metadata[var]["long_name"]= self.variables[var].long_name except: self.metadata[var]["long_name"] = var try: self.metadata[var]["units"] = self.variables[var].units except: self.metadata[var]["units"] = "N/A" try: self.metadata[var]["code"] = int(self.variables[var].code) except: self.metadata[var]["code"] = -999 elif fileparts[-1] == "npz" or fileparts[-1] == "npy": self.variables=_loadnpsavez(filename) meta = _loadnpsavez(filename[:-4]+"_metadata.npz") self.metadata = {} for var in self.variables: self.metadata[var] = {} try: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= meta[var][1] except: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= var try: self.metadata[var]["long_name"]= meta[var][1] except: self.metadata[var]["long_name"] = var try: self.metadata[var]["units"] = meta[var][2] except: self.metadata[var]["units"] = "N/A" try: self.metadata[var]["code"] = int(meta[var][3]) except: self.metadata[var]["code"] = -999 elif (fileparts[-1]=="tar" or \ fileparts[-2]+"."+fileparts[-1] in ("tar.gz","tar.bz2","tar.xz")): self.variables,self.metadata =_loadcsv(filename,buffersize=csvbuffersize) self.tarball = True elif (fileparts[-1] in ("csv","txt","gz")): self.variables,self.metadata =_loadcsv(filename,buffersize=csvbuffersize) self.tarball = False elif fileparts[-1] in ("hdf5","h5","he5"): self.variables=_loadhdf5(filename) self.metadata={} for var in self.variables: meta = self.variables.attrs[var] self.metadata[var] = {} try: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= meta[1] except: self.metadata[var]["standard_name"]= var try: self.metadata[var]["long_name"]= meta[1] except: self.metadata[var]["long_name"] = var try: self.metadata[var]["units"] = meta[2] except: self.metadata[var]["units"] = "N/A" try: self.metadata[var]["code"] = int(meta[3]) except: self.metadata[var]["code"] = -999 else: raise DatafileError("Unsupported output format detected. Supported formats are:\n%s"%("\n\t".join(SUPPORTED))) def close(self): try: if self.body is not None: if type(self.body)==list: for item in self.body: if self.tarball: os.system("rm %s"%item) else: pass else: self.body.close() else: self.variables.close() except: #We have a standard python dictionary for variables, so ignore the error quietly pass
[docs] def xcolorbar(mappable,fontsize=None,ticksize=None,**kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable,**kwargs) if fontsize is not None and "label" in kwargs: cbar.set_label(label=kwargs["label"],fontsize=fontsize) if ticksize is not None: return cbar
#import mpl_toolkits.basemap #class _xBasemap(mpl_toolkits.basemap.Basemap): #def __init__(self,**kwargs): #super(_xBasemap,self).__init__(**kwargs) #def xcolorbar(self,mappable,fontsize=None,ticksize=None,**kwargs): #cbar = super(_xBasemap,self).colorbar(mappable,**kwargs) #if fontsize is not None and "label" in kwargs: #cbar.set_label(label=kwargs["label"],fontsize=fontsize) #if ticksize is not None: #return cbar
[docs] class DimensionError(Exception): pass
[docs] class UnitError(Exception): pass
[docs] class DatafileError(Exception): pass
[docs] def parse(file,variable,lat=None,lon=None): """Retrieve a variable from a NetCDF file Parameters ---------- file : str Path to a NetCDF file variable : str Name of the variable to extract lat,lon : str, optional If the latitude and longitude arrays have non-standard names, specify them here. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Requested output field """ ncd=_Dataset(file) variable = ncd.variables[variable][:] if lat: lt = ncd.variables[lat][:] elif "lat" in ncd.variables: lt = ncd.variables['lat'][:] elif "lt" in ncd.variables: lt = ncd.variables["lt"][:] elif "lats" in ncd.variables: lt = ncd.variables['lats'][:] elif "latitude" in ncd.variables: lt = ncd.variables['latitude'][:] elif "latitudes" in ncd.variables: lt = ncd.variables['latitudes'][:] else: raise DatafileError("Unknown datafile format; unsure how to extract latitude") if lon: ln = ncd.variables[lon][:] elif "lat" in ncd.variables: ln = ncd.variables['lon'][:] elif "lt" in ncd.variables: ln = ncd.variables["ln"][:] elif "lats" in ncd.variables: ln = ncd.variables['lons'][:] elif "latitude" in ncd.variables: ln = ncd.variables['longitude'][:] elif "latitudes" in ncd.variables: ln = ncd.variables['longitudes'][:] else: raise DatafileError("Unknown datafile format; unsure how to extract longitude") ncd.close() return ln,lt,variable
[docs] def make2d(variable,lat=None,lon=None,time=None,lev=None,ignoreNaNs=True,radius=6.371e6, latitudes=None,longitudes=None): """Compress a variable in two dimensions by slicing or averaging. Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray The variable to operate on lat,lon,lev : int, str, optional Either an index on which to slice, or either of "sum" or "mean", indicating what should be done along that axis. time : int, optional The time index on which to slice. If unspecified, a time average will be returned. ignoreNaNs : bool, optional If set, will use NaN-safe numpy operators. radius : float, optional Planet radius in meters (only used for summation) latitudes: numpy.ndarray, optional Latitude array--required if lat is "mean", or if either lat or lon is "sum" longitudes: numpy.ndarray, optional Longitude array--required if lon is "mean" or if either lat or lon is "sum" Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A 2-D array """ if ignoreNaNs: sumop = np.nansum meanop = np.nanmean else: sumop = np.sum meanop = np.mean if len(variable.shape)==2: return variable if time: try: variable=variable[time,:] except: raise UnitError("You have probably passed a float time to a variable with no "+ "information about what that means. You should pass an integer "+ "time index instead") elif time is None and len(variable.shape)>2: variable=meanop(variable,axis=0) elif time==0: variable=variable[time,:] if len(variable.shape)>2: if lev is not None: if type(lev)==int: variable=variable[lev,:] elif lev=="sum": variable=sumop(variable,axis=0) elif lev=="mean": variable=meanop(variable,axis=0) else: raise UnitError("Unknown level specification") elif lat is not None and lon is None: if type(lat)==int: variable=variable[:,lat,:] elif lat=="sum": if longitudes is None or latitudes is None: raise Exception("You must provide latitudes and longitudes as 1D arrays.") variable=latsum(variable,latitudes,dlon=longitudes[1]-longitudes[0], radius=radius) elif lat=="mean": if latitudes is None: raise Exception("You must provide latitudes as a 1D array.") variable=latmean(variable,latitudes) else: raise UnitError("Unknown latitude specification") elif lon is not None and lat is None: if type(lon)==int: variable=variable[:,:,lon] elif lon=="sum": if longitudes is None or latitudes is None: raise Exception("You must provide latitudes and longitudes as 1D arrays.") newvar = np.zeros(variable.shape[:-1]) gradlat = np.gradient(np.sin(latitudes*np.pi/180.)) for lt in range(len(latitudes)): newvar[:,lt]=lonsum(variable,longitudes,dsinlat=gradlat[lt],radius=radius) variable = newvar elif lon=="mean": if longitudes is None: raise Exception("You must provide longitudes as a 1D array.") variable=lonmean(variable,longitudes) else: raise UnitError("Unknown longitude specification") else: raise DimensionError("Inappropriate or insufficient dimensional constraints") return variable
[docs] def spatialmath(variable,lat=None,lon=None,file=None,mean=True,time=None, ignoreNaNs=True,lev=None,radius=6.371e6): """Compute spatial means or sums of data Parameters ---------- variable : str, numpy.ndarray The variable to operate on. Can either be a data array, or the name of a variable. If the latter, file must be specified. lat,lon : numpy.ndarray, optional Latitude and longitude arrays. If file is provided and lat and lon are not, they will be extracted from the file. file : str, optional Path to a NetCDF output file to open and extract data from. mean : bool, optional If True, compute a global mean. If False, compute a global sum. time : int, optional, or "all" The time index on which to slice. If unspecified, a time average will be returned. If set to "all", the time axis will be preserved. ignoreNaNs : bool, optional If True, use NaN-safe numpy operators. lev : int, optional If set, slice a 3D spatial array at the specified level. radius : float, optional Radius of the planet in meters. Only used if mean=False. Returns ------- float """ if ignoreNaNs: sumop = np.nansum meanop = np.nanmean else: sumop = np.sum meanop = np.mean if file: ln,lt,variable = parse(file,variable,lat=lat,lon=lon) else: if type(lat)==type(None) or type(lon)==type(None): raise DimensionError("Need to provide latitude and longitude data") ln=lon lt=lat if time!="all": variable = make2d(variable,time=time,lev=lev,ignoreNaNs=ignoreNaNs,longitudes=ln,latitudes=lt) lt1 = np.zeros(len(lt)+1) lt1[0] = 90 for n in range(0,len(lt)-1): lt1[n+1] = 0.5*(lt[n]+lt[n+1]) lt1[-1] = -90 dln = np.diff(ln)[0] ln1 = np.zeros(len(ln)+1) ln1[0] = -dln for n in range(0,len(ln)-1): ln1[n+1] = 0.5*(ln[n]+ln[n+1]) ln1[-1] = 360.0-dln lt1*=np.pi/180.0 ln1*=np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros((len(lt),len(ln))) for jlat in range(0,len(lt)): for jlon in range(0,len(ln)): dln = ln1[jlon+1]-ln1[jlon] darea[jlat,jlon] = abs(np.sin(lt1[jlat])-np.sin(lt1[jlat+1]))*abs(dln) svar = variable*darea if mean: outvar = sumop(svar)/sumop(darea) else: outvar = sumop(svar) * radius**2 else: ntimes = variable.shape[0] variable_ = make2d(variable,time=0,lev=lev,ignoreNaNs=ignoreNaNs,longitudes=ln,latitudes=lt) outvariable = np.zeros([ntimes,]+list(variable_.shape)) outvariable[0,...] = variable_[:] for n in range(1,ntimes): outvariable[n,...] = make2d(variable,time=n,lev=lev,ignoreNaNs=ignoreNaNs, longitudes=ln,latitudes=lt) lt1 = np.zeros(len(lt)+1) lt1[0] = 90 for n in range(0,len(lt)-1): lt1[n+1] = 0.5*(lt[n]+lt[n+1]) lt1[-1] = -90 dln = np.diff(ln)[0] ln1 = np.zeros(len(ln)+1) ln1[0] = -dln for n in range(0,len(ln)-1): ln1[n+1] = 0.5*(ln[n]+ln[n+1]) ln1[-1] = 360.0-dln lt1*=np.pi/180.0 ln1*=np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros((len(lt),len(ln))) for jlat in range(0,len(lt)): for jlon in range(0,len(ln)): dln = ln1[jlon+1]-ln1[jlon] darea[jlat,jlon] = abs(np.sin(lt1[jlat])-np.sin(lt1[jlat+1]))*abs(dln) svar = outvariable*darea[np.newaxis,:,:] svar = np.reshape(svar,[ntimes,]) if mean: outvar = sumop(svar,axis=1)/sumop(darea) else: outvar = sumop(svar,axis=1) * radius**2 return outvar
[docs] def latmean(variable,latitudes): """Compute meriodional mean (i.e. the variable that changes is latitude). Compute the area-weighted mean of a latitude array :math:`x`\ , such that: .. math:: \\bar{x} = \\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N |\\sin(\\phi_{i-1/2})-\\sin(\\phi_{i+1/2})|x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N |\\sin(\\phi_{i-1/2})-\\sin(\\phi_{i+1/2})|} Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray Array to be averaged. Assumption is that if 2D, lat is the first dimension, if 3D, the second dimension, and if 4D. the 3rd dimension. latitudes : array-like Array or list of latitudes Returns ------- scalar or numpy.ndarray Depending on the dimensionality of the input array, output may have 0, 1, or 2 dimensions. """ lt1 = np.zeros(len(latitudes)+1) lt1[0] = 90 for n in range(0,len(latitudes)-1): lt1[n+1] = 0.5*(latitudes[n]+latitudes[n+1]) lt1[-1] = -90 lt1*=np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros(latitudes.shape) for jlat in range(0,len(latitudes)): darea[jlat] = np.sin(lt1[jlat])-np.sin(lt1[jlat+1]) if len(variable.shape)==1: return np.nansum(variable*darea)/np.nansum(darea) elif len(variable.shape)==2: return np.nansum(variable*darea[:,np.newaxis],axis=0)/np.nansum(darea[:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(variable.shape),axis=0) elif len(variable.shape)==3: return np.nansum(variable*darea[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis],axis=1)/np.nansum(darea[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(variable.shape),axis=1) elif len(variable.shape)==4: return np.nansum(variable*darea[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis],axis=2)/np.nansum(darea[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*np.ones(variable.shape),axis=2) else: raise DimensionError("Variable must have 4 or fewer dimensions. Latitude should be the second-from the right-most dimension if there are 2 or more dimensions.")
[docs] def latsum(variable,latitudes,dlon=360.0,radius=6.371e6): """Compute meriodional sum (i.e. the variable that changes is latitude). Compute the area-weighted sum of a latitude array :math:`x` given a longitude span :math:`\\Delta\\theta` and planet radius :math:`R`\ , such that: .. math:: X = \sum_{i=1}^N |\\sin(\\phi_{i-1/2})-\\sin(\\phi_{i+1/2})|\\Delta\\theta R^2x_i Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray Array to be summed. Assumption is that if 2D, lat is the first dimension, if 3D, the second dimension, and if 4D. the 3rd dimension. latitudes : array-like Array or list of latitudes dlon : float, optional Longitude span in degrees. radius : float, optional Planet radius in meters. Returns ------- scalar or numpy.ndarray Depending on the dimensionality of the input array, output may have 0, 1, or 2 dimensions. """ lt1 = np.zeros(len(latitudes)+1) lt1[0] = 90 for n in range(0,len(latitudes)-1): lt1[n+1] = 0.5*(latitudes[n]+latitudes[n+1]) lt1[-1] = -90 lt1*=np.pi/180.0 dlon *= np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros(latitudes.shape) for jlat in range(0,len(latitudes)): darea[jlat] = abs(np.sin(lt1[jlat])-np.sin(lt1[jlat+1]))*abs(dlon)*radius**2 if len(variable.shape)==1: return np.nansum(variable*darea) elif len(variable.shape)==2: return np.nansum(variable*darea[:,np.newaxis],axis=0) elif len(variable.shape)==3: return np.nansum(variable*darea[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis],axis=1) elif len(variable.shape)==4: return np.nansum(variable*darea[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis],axis=2) else: raise DimensionError("Variable must have 4 or fewer dimensions. Latitude should be the second-from the right-most dimension if there are 2 or more dimensions.")
[docs] def lonmean(variable,longitudes): """Compute zonal mean (i.e. the variable that changes is longitude). Compute the area-weighted mean of a longitude array :math:`x`\ , such that: .. math:: \\bar{x} = \\frac{\sum_{i=1}^N |\\theta_{i-1/2}-\\theta_{i+1/2}|x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N |\\theta_{i-1/2}-\\theta_{i+1/2}|} Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray Array to be summed. Assumption is that longitude is always the last dimension. Returns ------- scalar or numpy.ndarray Depending on the dimensionality of the input array, output may be a scalar or have N-1 dimensions. """ dlon = np.gradient(longitudes) sumlon = np.nansum(dlon) dlon = np.broadcast_to(dlon,variable.shape) return np.nansum(variable*dlon,axis=-1)/sumlon
[docs] def lonsum(variable,longitudes,dsinlat=2.0,radius=6.371e6): """Compute zonal sum (i.e. the variable that changes is longitude). Compute the area-weighted sum of a longitude array :math:`x` given a latitude span :math:`\\Delta\\sin\\phi` and planet radius :math:`R`\ , such that: .. math:: X = \sum_{i=1}^N |\\theta_{i-1/2}-\\theta_{i+1/2}|\\Delta\\sin\\phi R^2x_i Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray Array to be summed. Assumption is that longitude is always the last dimension. longitudes : array-like Array or list of longitudes dsinlat : float, optional The sine-latitude span for the longitude span considered. The default is 2, corresponding to -90 degrees to 90 degrees. radius : float, optional Planet radius in meters. Returns ------- scalar or numpy.ndarray Depending on the dimensionality of the input array, output may have 0, 1, or 2 dimensions. """ dlon = np.gradient(longitudes)*np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros(longitudes.shape) for jlon in range(0,len(longitudes)): darea[jlon] = abs(dsinlat)*abs(dlon[jlon])*radius**2 darea = np.broadcast_to(darea,variable.shape) return np.nansum(variable*darea,axis=-1)
[docs] def cspatialmath(variable,lat=None,lon=None,file=None,mean=True,time=None, ignoreNaNs=True,lev=None,radius=6.371e6,poles=False): """Compute spatial means or sums of data, but optionally don't go all the way to the poles. Sometimes, saying that the latitudes covered go all the way to :math:`\pm90^\circ` results in errors, and accurate accounting requires excluding the poles themselves. This function is identical to spatialmath, except that it provides that option. Parameters ---------- variable : str, numpy.ndarray The variable to operate on. Can either be a data array, or the name of a variable. If the latter, file must be specified. lat,lon : numpy.ndarray, optional Latitude and longitude arrays. If file is provided and lat and lon are not, they will be extracted from the file. file : str, optional Path to a NetCDF output file to open and extract data from. mean : bool, optional If True, compute a global mean. If False, compute a global sum. time : int, optional The time index on which to slice. If unspecified, a time average will be returned. ignoreNaNs : bool, optional If True, use NaN-safe numpy operators. lev : int, optional If set, slice a 3D spatial array at the specified level. radius : float, optional Radius of the planet in meters. Only used if mean=False. poles : bool, optional If False (default), exclude the poles. Returns ------- float """ if ignoreNaNs: sumop = np.nansum meanop = np.nanmean else: sumop = np.sum meanop = np.mean if file: ln,lt,variable = parse(file,variable,lat=lat,lon=lon) else: if type(lat)==type(None) or type(lon)==type(None): raise DimensionError("Need to provide latitude and longitude data") ln=lon lt=lat variable = make2d(variable,time=time,lev=lev,ignoreNaNs=ignoreNaNs, latitudes=lt,longitudes=ln) lt1 = np.zeros(len(lt)+1) dlt1 = abs(np.diff(lt)[0]) dlt2 = abs(np.diff(lt)[-1]) lt1[0] = lt[0]+0.5*dlt1 for n in range(0,len(lt)-1): lt1[n+1] = 0.5*(lt[n]+lt[n+1]) lt1[-1] = lt[-1]-0.5*dlt2 if poles: lt1[0] = 90.0 lt1[-1] = -90.0 dln = np.diff(ln)[0] ln1 = np.zeros(len(ln)+1) ln1[0] = ln[0]-dln*0.5 for n in range(0,len(ln)-1): ln1[n+1] = 0.5*(ln[n]+ln[n+1]) ln1[-1] = ln[-1]+dln*0.5 lt1*=np.pi/180.0 ln1*=np.pi/180.0 darea = np.zeros((len(lt),len(ln))) for jlat in range(0,len(lt)): for jlon in range(0,len(ln)): dln = ln1[jlon+1]-ln1[jlon] darea[jlat,jlon] = abs(np.sin(lt1[jlat])-np.sin(lt1[jlat+1]))*abs(dln) svar = variable*darea if mean: outvar = sumop(svar)/sumop(darea) else: outvar = sumop(svar) * radius**2 return outvar
[docs] def wrap2d(var): '''Add one element to the longitude axis to allow for wrapping''' newvar = np.zeros(np.array(var.shape)+np.array((0,1))) newvar[:,:-1] = var[:,:] newvar[:,-1] = var[:,0] return newvar
[docs] def streamfxn(file,time=None): '''Deprecated. Passes args to eqstream().''' return eqstream(file,time=time)
[docs] def eqstream(file,radius=6.371e6,gravity=9.80665): '''Compute the tidally-locked streamfunction Parameters ---------- dataset : str or ExoPlaSim Dataset Either path to ExoPlaSim Dataset of model output or an instance of the dataset. plarad : float, optional Planetary radius [m] grav : float, optional Surface gravity [m/s^2] Returns ------- numpy.ndarray(1D), numpy.ndarray(1D), numpy.ndarray(2D) tidally-locked latitude, layer interface pressures, and TL streamfunction ''' from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid if type(dataset)==str: dataset = _Dataset(dataset,"r") lon = dataset.variables['lon'][:] lat = dataset.variables['lat'][:] #mva = np.nanmean(va_TL,axis=3) #tidally-locked meridional wind #ps = spatialmath(dataset.variables['ps'][:],lon=lon,lat=lat) lev = dataset.variables['lev'][:] pa = dataset.variables['ps'][:,np.newaxis,:,:] * lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * 100.0 va = dataset.variables['va'][:] nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) ntime = pa.shape[0] nlev = len(lev) vadp = np.zeros(va.shape) for nt in range(ntime): for jlat in range(nlat): for jlon in range(nlon): vadp[nt,:jlat,jlon] = cumulative_trapezoid(va[nt,:,jlat,jlon], x=pa[nt,:,jlat,jlon], initial=0.0) prefactor = 2*np.pi*radius/gravity*np.cos(lat*np.pi/180.0) sign = 1 #-1 for synchronous, 1 for equatorial stf = sign*prefactor[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*vadp psurf = spatialmath(dataset.variables['ps'][:],lon=lon,lat=lat) #mvadp = cumulative_trapezoid(mva,x=lev[:]*ps*100.0,axis=1) #integrate in Pa not hPa #prefactor = 2*np.pi*plarad/grav #2piR/g #stf = prefactor*np.cos(lat_TL[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]*np.pi/180.0)*mvadp #pmid = 0.5*(lev[1:]+lev[:-1])*ps return lat,psurf*lev,stf
[docs] def adist(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2): '''Return angular distance(s) in degrees between two points (or sets of points) on a sphere. Parameters ---------- lon1 : float or numpy.ndarray Longitudes of first point(s) lat1 : float or numpy.ndarray Latitudes of first point(s) lon2 : float or numpy.ndarray Longitudes of second point(s) lat2 : float or numpy.ndarray Latitudes of second point(s) Returns ------- float or numpy.ndarray Angular distance(s) between given points ''' rn1 = lon1*np.pi/180.0 rn2 = lon2*np.pi/180.0 rt1 = lat1*np.pi/180.0 rt2 = lat2*np.pi/180.0 dist = np.arccos(np.sin(rt1)*np.sin(rt2)+np.cos(rt1)*np.cos(rt2)*np.cos(rn1-rn2)) return dist*180.0/np.pi
[docs] def eq2tl_coords(lon,lat,substellar=0.0): '''Compute tidally-locked coordinates of a set of equatorial lat-lon coordinates. Transforms equatorial coordinates into a tidally-locked coordinate system where 0 degrees longitude is the substellar-south pole-antistellar meridian, and 90 degrees latitude is the substellar point, such that the evening hemisphere is 0-180 degrees longitude, the morning hemisphere is 180-360 degrees longitude, the north equatorial pole is at (0, 180), and easterly flow is counter-clockwise. Note that this differs from the coordinate system introduced in Koll & Abbot (2015) in that theirs is a left-handed coordinate system, with the south pole at (0, 180) and counter-clockwise easterly flow, which represents a south-facing observer inside the sphere, while ours is a right-handed coordinate system, representing a south-facing observer outside the sphere, which is the usual convention for spherical coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.ndarray Longitudes in equatorial coordinates [degrees] lat : numpy.ndarray Latitudes in equatorial coordinates [degrees] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point. [degrees] Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Transformed longitudes and latitudes [degrees] ''' lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) tlons = np.zeros(lons.shape) tlats = np.zeros(lats.shape) elons = lons*np.pi/180.0 elats = lats*np.pi/180.0 rss = substellar*np.pi/180.0 tlats = np.arcsin(np.cos(elats)*np.cos(elons-rss))*180.0/np.pi tlons = np.arctan2(np.sin(elons-rss),-np.tan(elats))*180.0/np.pi tlons[tlons<0] += 360.0 return tlons,tlats
[docs] def tl2eq_coords(lon,lat,substellar=0.0): '''Compute equatorial coordinates of a set of tidally-locked lat-lon coordinates. Transforms tidally-locked coordinates into the standard equatorial coordinate system. Note that in our tidally-locked coordinate system, 0 degrees longitude is the substellar-south pole-antistellar meridian, and 90 degrees latitude is the substellar point, such that the evening hemisphere is 0-180 degrees longitude, the morning hemisphere is 180-360 degrees longitude, the north equatorial pole is at (0, 180), and easterly flow is counter-clockwise. Note that this differs from the coordinate system introduced in Koll & Abbot (2015) in that theirs is a left-handed coordinate system, with the south pole at (0, 180) and counter-clockwise easterly flow, which represents a south-facing observer inside the sphere, while ours is a right-handed coordinate system, representing a south-facing observer outside the sphere, which is the usual convention for spherical coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.ndarray Longitudes in tidally-locked coordinates [degrees] lat : numpy.ndarray Latitudes in tidally-locked coordinates [degrees] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point. [degrees] Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Transformed longitudes and latitudes [degrees] ''' lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) qlons = np.zeros(lons.shape) qlats = np.zeros(lats.shape) tlons = lons*np.pi/180.0 tlats = lats*np.pi/180.0 rss = substellar*np.pi/180.0 qlats = np.arcsin(-np.cos(tlats)*np.cos(tlons)) qlons = np.arctan2(np.cos(tlats)*np.sin(tlons),np.sin(tlats)) + rss qlats *= 180.0/np.pi qlons *= 180.0/np.pi qlons[qlons<0] += 360.0 return qlons,qlats
[docs] def eq2tl(variable,lon,lat,substellar=0.0, polemethod="interp"): '''Transform a variable to tidally-locked coordinates Note that in our tidally-locked coordinate system, 0 degrees longitude is the substellar-south pole-antistellar meridian, and 90 degrees latitude is the substellar point, such that the evening hemisphere is 0-180 degrees longitude, the morning hemisphere is 180-360 degrees longitude, the north equatorial pole is at (0, 180), and easterly flow is counter-clockwise. Note that this differs from the coordinate system introduced in Koll & Abbot (2015) in that theirs is a left-handed coordinate system, with the south pole at (0, 180) and counter-clockwise easterly flow, which represents a south-facing observer inside the sphere, while ours is a right-handed coordinate system, representing a south-facing observer outside the sphere, which is the usual convention for spherical coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray (2D, 3D, or 4D) N-D data array to be transformed. Final two dimensions must be (lat,lon) lon : numpy.ndarray 1D array of longitudes [deg] lat : numpy.ndarray 1D array of latitudes [deg] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point (defaults to 0 degrees) polemethod : str, optional Interpolation method for polar latitudes. If "nearest", then instead of inverse-distance linear interpolation, will use nearest-neighbor. This is recommended for vector variables. For scalars, leave as "interp". Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Transformed longitudes, latitudes, and data array. ''' tlon = np.copy(lon) tlat = np.copy(lat) tlvariable = np.zeros(variable.shape) nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) elons,elats = tl2eq_coords(tlon,tlat,substellar=substellar) elons *= np.pi/180.0 elats *= np.pi/180.0 for i in range(nlon): for j in range(nlat): rlon = elons[j,i] rlat = elats[j,i] dlon = rlon*180.0/np.pi dlat = rlat*180.0/np.pi if abs(dlat)>abs(lat).max(): if polemethod!="nearest": jj = abs(lat-dlat).argmin() distances = np.zeros(nlon) for ii in range(nlon): distances[ii] = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) tlvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(variable[...,jj,:],weights=distances,axis=len(variable.shape)-2) else: ilat=np.argmin(abs(dlat-lat)) ilon=np.argmin(abs(dlon-lon)) tlvariable[...,j,i] = variable[...,ilat,ilon] else: latcomparison = abs(lat-dlat) loncomparison = abs(lon-dlon) colat = (latcomparison.min()==0.0) #We are colatitude colon = (loncomparison.min()==0.0) #We are colongitude if not colat and not colon: jj = latcomparison.argmin() ii = loncomparison.argmin() if ii==0: ln1 = abs(loncomparison[-1]-360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be -1 and 0 ln2 = loncomparison[ 1] #if chosen, our indices will be 0 and 1 elif ii==nlon-1: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-2 and nlon-1 ln2 = abs(360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-1 and 0 else: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] ln2 = loncomparison[ii+1] if jj==0: lt1 = abs(100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen lt2 = latcomparison[1] elif jj==nlat-1: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = abs(-100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen else: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = latcomparison[jj+1] ni = (ii + 2*np.argmin([ln1,ln2])-1)%nlon nj = jj + 2*np.argmin([lt1,lt2])-1 if nj>=nlat or nj<0: print(ii,jj,ni,nj,dlon,dlat) raise d11 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d22 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) d21 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) d12 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) tlvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,jj,ni], variable[...,nj,ii],variable[...,nj,ni]]), weights=[d11,d12,d21,d22],axis=0) elif colat: #only changing longitude ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() if ii==0: ln1 = abs(loncomparison[-1]-360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be -1 and 0 ln2 = loncomparison[ 1] #if chosen, our indices will be 0 and 1 elif ii==nlon-1: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-2 and nlon-1 ln2 = abs(360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-1 and 0 else: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] ln2 = loncomparison[ii+1] ni = (ii + 2*np.argmin([ln1,ln2])-1)%nlon d1 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d2 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) tlvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,jj,ni]]), weights = [d1,d2],axis=0) elif colon: #only changing latitude ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() if jj==0: lt1 = abs(100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen lt2 = latcomparison[1] elif jj==nlat-1: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = abs(-100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen else: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = latcomparison[jj+1] nj = jj + 2*np.argmin([lt1,lt2])-1 d1 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d2 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) tlvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,nj,ii]]), weights = [d1,d2],axis=0) else: #We coincide with a real point ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() tlvariable[...,j,i] = variable[...,jj,ii] return tlon,tlat,tlvariable
[docs] def tl2eq(variable,lon,lat,substellar=0.0): '''Transform a tidally-locked variable to standard equatorial coordinates Note that in our tidally-locked coordinate system, 0 degrees longitude is the substellar-south pole-antistellar meridian, and 90 degrees latitude is the substellar point, such that the evening hemisphere is 0-180 degrees longitude, the morning hemisphere is 180-360 degrees longitude, the north equatorial pole is at (0, 180), and easterly flow is counter-clockwise. Note that this differs from the coordinate system introduced in Koll & Abbot (2015) in that theirs is a left-handed coordinate system, with the south pole at (0, 180) and counter-clockwise easterly flow, which represents a south-facing observer inside the sphere, while ours is a right-handed coordinate system, representing a south-facing observer outside the sphere, which is the usual convention for spherical coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- variable : numpy.ndarray (2D, 3D, or 4D) N-D data array to be transformed. Final two dimensions must be (lat,lon) lon : numpy.ndarray 1D array of longitudes [deg] lat : numpy.ndarray 1D array of latitudes [deg] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point (defaults to 0 degrees) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Transformed longitudes, latitudes, and data array. ''' qlon = np.copy(lon) qlat = np.copy(lat) eqvariable = np.zeros(variable.shape) nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) qlons,qlats = eq2tl_coords(qlon,qlat,substellar=substellar) qlons *= np.pi/180.0 qlats *= np.pi/180.0 for i in range(nlon): for j in range(nlat): rlon = qlons[j,i] rlat = qlats[j,i] dlon = rlon*180.0/np.pi dlat = rlat*180.0/np.pi if abs(dlat)>abs(lat).max(): jj = abs(lat-dlat).argmin() distances = np.zeros(nlon) for ii in range(nlon): distances[ii] = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) eqvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(variable[...,jj,:],weights=distances,axis=len(variable.shape)-2) else: latcomparison = abs(lat-dlat) loncomparison = abs(lon-dlon) colat = (latcomparison.min()==0.0) #We are colatitude colon = (loncomparison.min()==0.0) #We are colongitude if not colat and not colon: jj = latcomparison.argmin() ii = loncomparison.argmin() if ii==0: ln1 = abs(loncomparison[-1]-360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be -1 and 0 ln2 = loncomparison[ 1] #if chosen, our indices will be 0 and 1 elif ii==nlon-1: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-2 and nlon-1 ln2 = abs(360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-1 and 0 else: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] ln2 = loncomparison[ii+1] if jj==0: lt1 = abs(100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen lt2 = latcomparison[1] elif jj==nlat-1: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = abs(-100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen else: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = latcomparison[jj+1] ni = (ii + 2*np.argmin([ln1,ln2])-1)%nlon nj = jj + 2*np.argmin([lt1,lt2])-1 if nj>=nlat or nj<0: print(ii,jj,ni,nj,dlon,dlat) raise d11 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d22 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) d21 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) d12 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) eqvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,jj,ni], variable[...,nj,ii],variable[...,nj,ni]]), weights=[d11,d12,d21,d22],axis=0) elif colat: #only changing longitude ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() if ii==0: ln1 = abs(loncomparison[-1]-360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be -1 and 0 ln2 = loncomparison[ 1] #if chosen, our indices will be 0 and 1 elif ii==nlon-1: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-2 and nlon-1 ln2 = abs(360.0-dlon) #if chosen, our indices will be nlon-1 and 0 else: ln1 = loncomparison[ii-1] ln2 = loncomparison[ii+1] ni = (ii + 2*np.argmin([ln1,ln2])-1)%nlon d1 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d2 = 1.0/adist(lon[ni],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) eqvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,jj,ni]]), weights = [d1,d2],axis=0) elif colon: #only changing latitude ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() if jj==0: lt1 = abs(100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen lt2 = latcomparison[1] elif jj==nlat-1: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = abs(-100.0-dlat) #shouldn't be chosen else: lt1 = latcomparison[jj-1] lt2 = latcomparison[jj+1] nj = jj + 2*np.argmin([lt1,lt2])-1 d1 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[jj],dlat) d2 = 1.0/adist(lon[ii],dlon,lat[nj],dlat) eqvariable[...,j,i] = np.average(np.array([variable[...,jj,ii],variable[...,nj,ii]]), weights = [d1,d2],axis=0) else: #We coincide with a real point ii = loncomparison.argmin() jj = latcomparison.argmin() eqvariable[...,j,i] = variable[...,jj,ii] return qlon,qlat,eqvariable
[docs] def eq2tl_uv(u, v, lon, lat, substellar=0.0): '''Transform velocity variables to tidally-locked coordinates Parameters ---------- u : numpy.ndarray (2D, 3D, or 4D) N-D data array of zonal velocities to be transformed. Final two dimensions must be (lat,lon) v : numpy.ndarray (2D, 3D, or 4D) N-D data array of meridional velocities to be transformed. Final two dimensions must be (lat,lon) lon : numpy.ndarray 1D array of longitudes [deg] lat : numpy.ndarray 1D array of latitudes [deg] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point (defaults to 0 degrees) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Transformed longitudes, latitudes, and velocity data arrays. ''' lon_tl,lat_tl,uq_tl = eq2tl(u,lon,lat,substellar=substellar,polemethod='nearest') lon_tl,lat_tl,vq_tl = eq2tl(v,lon,lat,substellar=substellar,polemethod='nearest') #lon_tl,lat_tl = eq2tl_coords(lon,lat,substellar=substellar) lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) rlons = substellar*np.pi/180.0 - lons*np.pi/180.0 rlats = lats*np.pi/180.0 qlons,qlats = tl2eq_coords(lon,lat,substellar=substellar) rqlons = substellar*np.pi/180.0 - qlons*np.pi/180.0 rqlats = qlats*np.pi/180.0 rtlons,rtlats = np.meshgrid(lon_tl,lat_tl) rtlons *= np.pi/180.0 rtlats *= np.pi/180.0 if len(u.shape)==3: rlons = rlons[np.newaxis,:,:] rlats = rlats[np.newaxis,:,:] rqlons = rqlons[np.newaxis,:,:] rqlats = rqlats[np.newaxis,:,:] rtlons = rtlons[np.newaxis,:,:] rtlats = rtlats[np.newaxis,:,:] elif len(u.shape)==4: rqlons = rqlons[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] rqlats = rqlats[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] rlons = rlons[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] rlats = rlats[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] rtlons = rtlons[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] rtlats = rtlats[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] ufactor = -np.cos(rtlats)/(np.sin(rqlats)*(1+np.sin(rqlons)**2/np.tan(rqlats)**2)) vfactor = np.sin(rqlats)/np.sqrt(1-np.cos(rqlats)**2*np.cos(rqlons)**2) u_tl = (vq_tl*np.sin(rqlons)/np.sin(rqlats) + uq_tl*np.cos(rqlons))*ufactor v_tl = (uq_tl*np.sin(rqlons)/np.sin(rqlats) - vq_tl*np.cos(rqlons))*vfactor return lon_tl,lat_tl,u_tl,v_tl
[docs] def tlstream(dataset,radius=6371.0e3,gravity=9.80665,substellar=0.0): '''Compute the tidally-locked streamfunction Parameters ---------- dataset : str or ExoPlaSim Dataset Either path to ExoPlaSim Dataset of model output or an instance of the dataset. radius : float, optional Planetary radius [m] gravity : float, optional Surface gravity [m/s^2] substellar : float, optional Longitude of the substellar point in degrees. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray(1D), numpy.ndarray(1D), numpy.ndarray(2D) tidally-locked latitude, layer interface pressures, and TL streamfunction ''' from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid if type(dataset)==str: dataset = _Dataset(dataset,"r") lon = dataset.variables['lon'][:] lat = dataset.variables['lat'][:] lon_TL,lat_TL,ua_TL,va_TL = eq2tl_uv(dataset.variables['ua'][:], dataset.variables['va'][:], lon,lat,substellar=substellar) #mva = np.nanmean(va_TL,axis=3) #tidally-locked meridional wind #ps = spatialmath(dataset.variables['ps'][:],lon=lon,lat=lat) lev = dataset.variables['lev'][:] lev = np.array(lev) ps = dataset.variables['ps'] ps = np.array(ps) pa = ps[:,np.newaxis,:,:] * lev[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * 100.0 nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) ntime = pa.shape[0] nlev = len(lev) vadp = np.zeros(va_TL.shape) for nt in range(ntime): for jlat in range(nlat): for jlon in range(nlon): vadp[nt,:,jlat,jlon] = cumulative_trapezoid(va_TL[nt,:,jlat,jlon],x=pa[nt,:,jlat,jlon],initial=0.0) prefactor = 2*np.pi*radius/gravity*np.cos(lat*np.pi/180.0) sign = -1 #-1 for synchronous, 1 for equatorial stf = sign*prefactor[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*vadp psurf = spatialmath(dataset.variables['ps'][:],lon=lon,lat=lat) #mvadp = cumulative_trapezoid(mva,x=lev[:]*ps*100.0,axis=1) #integrate in Pa not hPa #prefactor = 2*np.pi*plarad/grav #2piR/g #stf = prefactor*np.cos(lat_TL[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]*np.pi/180.0)*mvadp #pmid = 0.5*(lev[1:]+lev[:-1])*ps return lat_TL,psurf*lev,stf
[docs] def orthographic(lon,lat,imap,central_longitude=0,central_latitude=0,ny=200,nx=200,interp='bilinear'): '''Perform an orthographic projection. Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.ndarray (1D) Longitude array [degrees] lat : numpy.ndarray (1D) Latitude array [degrees] imap : numpy.ndarray Data array to be projected. The first two dimensions should be (lat,lon) central_longitude : float, optional Longitude in degrees to be centered beneath the observer central_latitude : float, optional Latitude in degrees to be centered beneath the observer ny : int, optional Number of pixels in the Y direction for the output projection nx : int, optional Number of pixels in the X direction for the output projection interp : str, optional Interpolation to use. Currently only 'bilinear' is accepted; otherwise nearest-neighbor will be used. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (ny,nx) The projected output ''' l0 = central_longitude p0 = central_latitude shape = np.array(imap.shape) shape[0] = ny shape[1] = nx xymap = np.zeros(tuple(shape)) xymap[:] = 0.0 coords = np.zeros((ny,nx,2)) coords2 = np.zeros((ny,nx,2,3)) coords3 = np.zeros((ny,nx,2)) rad=0.5*(8*nx/18.0+8*ny/18.0) if lon.min()<0: #we're in a -180 to 180 domain if l0>180.0: l0 -= 360.0 if lon.max()>180.0: zlon[zlon>180]-=360.0 dl0 = l0 #lon-dl0 and l0-dl0 will rotate things so l0=0. l0 -= dl0 imap = np.roll(imap,-int(dl0/np.diff(lon)[0]),axis=1) #l0 should now be centered in the data array else: if l0<0: l0 += 360.0 dl0 = l0-180. #l0-dl0 = 180 l0 -= dl0 imap = np.roll(imap,-int(dl0/np.diff(lon)[0]),axis=1) #l0 should now be centered in the data array #Add ghost cells zlat = np.zeros(np.array(lat.shape)+2) zlon = np.zeros(np.array(lon.shape)+2) dlat = np.diff(lat) dlon = np.diff(lon) zlon[0] = lon[0]-dlon[0] zlon[1:-1] = lon[:] zlon[-1] = lon[-1]+dlon[-1] zlat[0] = lat[0]-dlat[0] zlat[-1] = lat[-1]+dlat[-1] zlat[1:-1] = lat[:] newshape = np.array(imap.shape) newshape[0] += 2 newshape[1] += 2 zmap = np.zeros(tuple(newshape)) zmap[1:-1,1:-1] = imap[:] #At the poles, ghost cells are just duplicates zmap[0,...] = zmap[1,...] zmap[-1,...] = zmap[-2,...] #At the left and right edges, ghost cells are cyclical zmap[:,0] = zmap[:,-2] zmap[:,-1] = zmap[:,1] p0 *= np.pi/180.0 l0 *= np.pi/180.0 xx = np.arange(nx)-nx/2 yy = np.arange(ny)-ny/2 for j in range(0,ny): jy = yy[j] for i in range(0,nx): ix = xx[i] if (ix**2+jy**2)<=rad**2: rho = np.sqrt(ix**2+jy**2) cc = np.arcsin(rho/rad) if rho==0: phi = p0 lamb = l0 else: phi = np.arcsin(np.cos(cc)*np.sin(p0) + jy*np.sin(cc)*np.cos(p0)/rho) lamb = l0 + np.arctan2(ix*np.sin(cc),(rho*np.cos(cc)*np.cos(p0)-jy*np.sin(cc)*np.sin(p0))) phi *= 180.0/np.pi lamb *= 180.0/np.pi if lamb<0 and lon.min()>=0: lamb += 360 if lamb>180 and lon.min()<0: lamb -= 360 jlat = np.argmin(abs(phi-zlat)) jlon = np.argmin(abs(lamb-zlon)) if interp=="bilinear": xlat1 = np.where(zlat<phi)[0] xlat2 = np.where(zlat>=phi)[0] xlon1 = np.where(zlon<lamb)[0] xlon2 = np.where(zlon>=lamb)[0] if len(xlat1)>0 and len(xlat2)>0 and len(xlon1)>0 and len(xlon2)>0: jlat1 = np.where(zlat==zlat[xlat1].max())[0][0] jlat2 = np.where(zlat==zlat[xlat2].min())[0][0] jlon1 = np.where(zlon==zlon[xlon1].max())[0][0] jlon2 = np.where(zlon==zlon[xlon2].min())[0][0] p1 = zlat[jlat1] p2 = zlat[jlat2] l1 = zlon[jlon1] l2 = zlon[jlon2] #print "interpolating;",jlat1,jlat2,jlon1,jlon2,lamb#,zlon[np.where(zlon<lamb)] dl = l2-l1 dp = p2-p1 try: if dl==0 and dp>0: fxy1 = zmap[jlat1,jlon] fxy2 = zmap[jlat2,jlon] xymap[j,i] = (p2-phi)/dp*fxy1 + (phi-p1)/dp*fxy2 elif dp==0 and dl>0: fx1y = zmap[jlat,jlon1] fx2y = zmap[jlat,jlon2] xymap[j,i] = (l2-lamb)/dl*fx1y + (lamb-l1)/dl*fx2y elif dp==0 and dl==0: xymap[j,i] = zmap[jlat,jlon] else: fxy1 = (l2-lamb)/dl*zmap[jlat1,jlon1] + (lamb-l1)/dl*zmap[jlat1,jlon2] fxy2 = (l2-lamb)/dl*zmap[jlat2,jlon1] + (lamb-l1)/dl*zmap[jlat2,jlon2] xymap[j,i] = (p2-phi)/dp*fxy1 + (phi-p1)/dp*fxy2 except BaseException as err: print(p1,p2,l1,l2,jlat1,jlat2,jlon1,jlon2) raise err else: #print jlat1,jlat2,jlon1,jlon2 jlat1=-200 jlat2=-200 xymap[j,i] = zmap[jlat,jlon] else: #print "not bilinear" xymap[j,i] = zmap[jlat,jlon] return xymap
[docs] def load(filename,csvbuffersize=1): '''Open a postprocessed ExoPlaSim output file. Supported formats include netCDF, CSV/TXT (can be compressed), NumPy, and HDF5. If the data archive is a group of files that are not tarballed, such as a directory of CSV/TXT or gzipped files, then the filename should be the name of the directory with the final file extension. For example, if the dataset is a group of CSV files in a folder called "MOST_output.002", then `filename` ought to be "MOST_output.002.csv", even though no such file exists. When accessing a file archive comprised of CSV/TXT files such as that described above, only part of the archive will be extracted/read into memory at once, with the exception of the first read, when the entire archive is extracted to read header information. Dimensional arrays, such as latitude, longitude, etc will be ready into memory and stored as attributes of the returned object (but are accessed with the usual dictionary pattern). Other data arrays however may need to be extracted and read from the archive. A memory buffer exists to hold recently-accessed arrays in memory, which will prioritize the most recently-accessed variables. The number of variables that can be stored in memory can be set with the `csvbuffersize` keyword. The default is 1. This means that the first time the variable is accessed, access times will be roughly the time it takes to extract the file and read it into memory. Subsequent accesses, however, will use RAM speeds. Once the variable has left the buffer, due to other variables being accessed, the next access will return to file access speeds. This behavior is intended to mimic the npz, netcdf, and hdf5 protocols. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the file csvbuffersize : int, optional If the file (or group of files) is a file archive such as a directory, tarball, etc, this is the number of variables to keep in a memory buffer when the archive is accessed. Returns ------- object ``gmct._Dataset`` object that can be queried like a netCDF file. ''' #fileparts = filename.split('.') #if fileparts[-1] == "nc": if type(csvbuffersize)==str: #This is probably a legacy netcdf load mistake try: csvbuffersize = int(csvbuffersize) except: csvbuffersize = 1 output=_Dataset(filename,csvbuffersize=csvbuffersize) #Usually _Dataset calls load(), but _Dataset calls _loadnetcdf #directly, so here we're going to defer to _Dataset and make use #of the close() functionality #elif fileparts[-1] == "npz" or fileparts[-1] == "npy": #output=_loadnpsavez(filename) #elif (fileparts[-1] in ("csv","txt","gz","tar") or \ #fileparts[-2]+"."+fileparts[-1] in ("tar.gz","tar.bz2","tar.xz")): #output,meta,files=_loadcsv(filename) #elif fileparts[-1] in ("hdf5","h5","he5"): #output=_loadhdf5(filename) #else: #raise Exception("Unsupported output format detected. Supported formats are:\n%s"%("\n\t".join(SUPPORTED))) return output
#def rhines(U,lat,lon,plarad=6371.0,daylen=15.0,beta=None): #'''Return the nondimensional Rhines length scale L_R/a #Parameters #---------- #U : numpy.ndarray or float #Characteristic velocity [m/s] of the atmospheric jets #lat : numpy.ndarray #1D array of latitudes [deg] #lon : numpy.ndarray #1D array of longitudes [deg] #plarad : float, optional #Planetary radius in km #daylen : float, optional #Planetary rotation periods in days #Returns #------- #float #''' ##if beta is None: #Omega = 2*np.pi/(daylen*86400.0) ##beta = np.gradient(2*Omega*np.sin(lat*np.pi/180.0), ##plarad*1e3*(lat*np.pi/180.0)) ##lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) ##beta = np.ones(U.shape)*beta[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] ##beta = gt.spatialmath(beta,lat=lat,lon=lon) #beta = 2*Omega/(plarad*1e3) #This is the equatorial approximation #Lr = np.sqrt(U/beta)/(plarad*1e3) #return Lr #def getheight(T,P,P0,gascon,grav,lat=None,lon=None,lapse=None): #ndims = len(T.shape) #if lapse is None: #altz = -gascon*T/grav*np.log(P/P0) #else: #if ndims==1: #T0 = T[-1] #elif ndims==2: #T0 = np.nanmean(T[-1,:]) #elif ndims==3: #if lat is None: #lat = np.zeros(90,-90,num=T.shape[1]) #if lon is None: #lon = np.zeros(0,360,num=T.shape[2]) #T0 = gt.spatialmath(T[-1,:,:],lat=lat,lon=lon) #elif ndims==4: #if lat is None: #lat = np.zeros(90,-90,num=T.shape[1]) #if lon is None: #lon = np.zeros(0,360,num=T.shape[2]) #T0 = gt.spatialmath(T[:,-1,:,:],lat=lat,lon=lon) #altz = T0/lapse * ((P/P0)**(-lapse*gascon/grav)-1) #return altz #def Ngradient(var,x,axis=0): #'''Assumes x has the same shape as var''' #ndims = len(var.shape) #if ndims==1: #why are you even using this function #return np.gradient(var,x) #elif ndims==2: #grad = np.zeros(var.shape) #if axis==0: #for k in range(var.shape[1]): #grad[:,k] = np.gradient(var[:,k],x[:,k]) #else: #for k in range(var.shape[0]): #grad[k,:] = np.gradient(var[k,:],x[k,:]) #elif ndims==3: #grad = np.zeros(var.shape) #if axis==0: #for j in range(var.shape[1]): #for k in range(var.shape[2]): #grad[:,j,k] = np.gradient(var[:,j,k],x[:,j,k]) #elif axis==1: #for j in range(var.shape[0]): #for k in range(var.shape[2]): #grad[j,:,k] = np.gradient(var[j,:,k],x[j,:,k]) #else: #for j in range(var.shape[0]): #for k in range(var.shape[1]): #grad[j,k,:] = np.gradient(var[j,k,:],x[j,k,:]) #else: #grad = np.zeros(var.shape) #if axis==0: #for j in range(var.shape[1]): #for k in range(var.shape[2]): #for l in range(var.shape[3]): #grad[:,j,k,l] = np.gradient(var[:,j,k,l], #x[:,j,k,l]) #elif axis==1: #for j in range(var.shape[0]): #for k in range(var.shape[2]): #for l in range(var.shape[3]): #grad[j,:,k,l] = np.gradient(var[j,:,k,l], #x[j,:,k,l]) #elif axis==2: #for j in range(var.shape[0]): #for k in range(var.shape[1]): #for l in range(var.shape[3]): #grad[j,k,:,l] = np.gradient(var[j,k,:,l], #x[j,k,:,l]) #else: #for j in range(var.shape[0]): #for k in range(var.shape[1]): #for l in range(var.shape[2]): #grad[j,k,l,:] = np.gradient(var[j,k,l,:], #x[j,k,l,:]) #return grad #def bruntvasaila(T,P,lat=None,lon=None,lapse=False,gascon=287.0,grav=9.80665,cp=1006.0): #'''T and P must have the same shape''' #P0 = np.nanmax(P) #theta = T*(P0/P)**(gascon/cp) #ndims = len(T.shape) #if not lapse: #altz = -gascon*T/grav*np.log(P/P0) #else: #Iteratively find the lapse rates and altitudes #altz = getheight(T,P,P0,gascon,grav,lapse=False,lat=lat,lon=lon) #if ndims==4: #lapse = Ngradient(T,altz,axis=1) #else: #lapse = Ngradient(T,altz,axis=0) #for n in range(40): #altz = getheight(T,P,P0,gascon,grav,lapse=lapse,lat=lat,lon=lon) #if ndims==4: #lapse = Ngradient(T,altz,axis=1) #else: #lapse = Ngradient(T,altz,axis=0) #if ndims==4: #N = np.sqrt(grav/theta * Ngradient(theta,altz,axis=1)) #else: #N = np.sqrt(grav/theta * Ngradient(theta,altz,axis=0)) #return N #def rossby(T,P,plarad=6371.0,daylen=15.0,gascon=287.0,grav=9.80665, #lat=None,lon=None,lapse=False,cp=1006.0): #'''Return the Rossby deformation number L_R/a #Options #------- #T : Air temperature [K] -- numpy.ndarray #P : Air pressure -- numpy.ndarray #plarad : Planetary radius in km (optional) #daylen : Planetary rotation period in days (optional) #gascon : Specific gas constant (optional) #grav : Surface gravity [m/s^2] (optional) #cp : specific heat capacity of air at constant presure [J/kg] #lat : Latitudes in degrees (optional) #lon : Longitudes in degrees (optional) #lapse : Whether to compute the lapse rate {True/False} (optional) #Returns #------- #float #''' #N = bruntvasaila(T,P,lat=lat,lon=lon,lapse=lapse,gascon=gascon, #grav=grav,cp=cp) #Omega = 2*np.pi/(daylen*86400.0) ##beta = np.gradient(2*Omega*np.sin(lat*np.pi/180.0), ## plarad*1e3*(lat*np.pi/180.0)) ##lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) ##beta = np.ones(U.shape)*beta[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] ##beta = gt.spatialmath(beta,lat=lat,lon=lon) #beta = 2*Omega/(plarad*1e3) #scaleH = gascon*T/grav #Ld = np.sqrt(N*scaleH/(2*beta))/(plarad*1e3) #ndims = len(Ld.shape) #return Ld #if ndims<3: #return np.nanmean(Ld) #elif ndims==3: #return gt.spatialmath(np.nanmean(Ld,axis=0),lon=lon,lat=lat) #else: #return gt.spatialmath(np.nanmean(Ld,axis=1),lon=lon,lat=lat) #def deform(T,lat,lon,plarad=6371.0,daylen=15.0,gascon=287.0,grav=9.80665): #'''Return the equatorial (Rossby) deformation length scale L_R/a #Options #------- #T : characteristic temperature [K] #plarad : Planetary radius in km (optional) #daylen : Planetary rotation periods in days (optional) #gascon : Specific gas constant (optional) #grav : Surface gravity [m/s^2] (optional) #Returns #------- #float #''' #Omega = 2*np.pi/(daylen*86400.0) ##beta = np.gradient(2*Omega*np.sin(lat*np.pi/180.0), ## plarad*1e3*(lat*np.pi/180.0)) ##lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) ##beta = np.ones(U.shape)*beta[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] ##beta = gt.spatialmath(beta,lat=lat,lon=lon) #beta = 2*Omega/(plarad*1e3) #scaleH = gascon*T/grav #c = np.sqrt(grav*scaleH) #Le = np.sqrt(c/beta)/(plarad*1e3) #return Le